GOP Precinct Chair Faces Expulsion After Convention Partying Leads to Arrest
Terri Glidewell may be disqualified if convicted of felony charges.
If you attended the Republican Party of Texas convention in San Antonio a month ago, you are probably aware of how insufferably boring it was.
Well, we hate to break the bad news—if you thought convention was boring, it’s because you didn’t know where the good parties were at.
You know who did know about the good parties?
Terri Glidewell of the Palo Pinto Republican Party was arrested in Erath County the Sunday after the final day of the RPT convention. Seemingly on the way home from the convention held in San Antonio.
Palo Pinto Press:
Glidewell was arrested on May 26 and charged with possession of marijuana less than two ounces (misdemeanor), possession of a controlled substance less than one graham (state jail felony), possession of a controlled substance less than 28 grams (misdemeanor) and possession of a prohibited substance or item in a correctional facility – attempt, according to Erath County public documents.
The latter is a third-degree felony and punishable by a two-to-ten-year prison sentence. It also carries a potential fine up to $10,000.
The strangest charge comes from possession in a correctional facility. Was she sneaking drugs in after her arrest?
According to old Facebook posts from Glidewell, she had previously struggled with drugs.
Glidewell previously ran for Mineral Wells city council and lost. She then ran an unsuccessful attempt at recalling her opponent and was short 66 votes in her petition.

However, Glidewell did win her highly contested race for precinct chair where a total of 117 people voted.
If convicted of her felonies, she may automatically be disqualified from serving as a precinct chair as the position requires the right to vote.
I agree with Texas Patriot, she needs to file to run for Texas Senate ASAP because they will let anyone run no matter what the law says.
I know its hard to get pct chairs but the party should be vetting people before they allow them to be sworn in to represent the party.