GOP Reps Caught Rigging Votes to Look More Conservative on Scorecards
An analysis about the border and recent political scams.
Politicians in Texas running for office as “Right-Wing” or “conservative” Republicans have their work cut out for them if they happen to win their election.
First, all the big cities are run by the Democrat party.
Then, there is this little problem in the southern part of the state.
To be clear, this is a problem for you because you are against it. It’s not a problem for Republican politicians. In many ways, it is a solution to their problem of having to sit for recurring elections.
Elections are coming up
You may have seen Abbott did a thing this week—a thing about the little problem called our open border.
Abbott signed SB4, which will address the problem of illegal immigration once and for all.
Those are some pretty serious headlines.
I’m JK
Those headlines are all from 2017.
I’ve punked you, dear reader.
Got you good–in fact.
Republicans just did another racist SB4 to “secure the border.” It’s like they’re not even trying to hide scamming.
The headlines from 2017 are indistinguishable from today. This is what you see presently:
It would be crass to say “they sold us the same crap back in 2017” so I won’t. Instead, I ask you to think of a really elegant and tasteful way to say that.
Speaking of tasteful, Democrat State Rep-turned State Senate candidate, Victoria Criado, gave a long form interview about the new anti-immigrant bill SB4. She was so distraught about the potential implications of SB4 that she couldn’t hold back a laugh as she said it would be “devastating.”
To fully appreciate the uniparty nature of this scam, understand Victoria Criado said she began carrying her passport after 2017’s SB4 went into effect because she feared she would be deported. This sort of rhetoric helps incumbents in both parties get re-elected, all while the border remained open.
SB4 of 2017 more specifically was the “anti-sanctuary cities law.” The results of this law have been things like Colony Ridge, and a continually open border.
Abbott signed the 2023 SB4 on Monday, delivering remarks from his signature table. Looking pretty fly to be honest, with the black/white contrasting Lt. Gov. Patrick.
Their shirts are starched to absolute hell.
Scams in general
When it comes to politics and winning elections in Texas, it all comes down to who has the best hair, and the best Texas accent.
That has changed little with the internet. However, now there is a new level of difficulty in appeasing voters who have consistently demanded mass deportations and a closed border.
As smartphones became ubiquitous around 2014, “scorecards” for lawmakers became popularized, and every single one was biased as hell. All of them except for the Mark Jones scorecard, which counted every partisan vote as left-wing or right-wing. Other scorecards would cherry pick votes according to a goofy ideological standard. The Make Jones scorecard has been the gold standard to see where a lawmaker stands.
You can see this one from 2019 where Democrats and Republicans are shown on the same graph.
The 2023 rankings came out for the 88th Session this week. As soon as it came out, I saw this hot tweet from Tony Tinderholt, accusing Republican Jared Patterson of lying about how conservative he was!
I saw this tweet before I even read the Mark Jones report.
Quickly, here are the top 10 “most conservative” House members for 2023.
So Tony Tinderholt accused Patterson of “cheating the local calendar” to try and rig the rankings to appear the most conservative. This is something Mark Jones says in the article — citing a literal conspiracy to trick his ranking system.
Unlike in previous analyses, information from votes on bills located on the House Local & Consent Calendar are not included in this analysis. This is primarily due to the calculated effort this year by a small number of Republican House members to make their Lib-Con Scores appear more conservative than they actually were by strategically registering their opposition to bills on the Local & Consent Calendar in a way that was inconsistent with their floor voting behavior.
After I read this, I started to remember some of what Jones could be referencing during session. At the time, it seemed like a minor scam within a sea of larger, more nefarious scams.
A New Scam to Trick Voters
Disclaimer: understand that the following scam had no substantive effect on government policy and did not advance any coherent conservative narrative. It was entirely an effort to trick voters.
At the 88th Session’s beginning, we at CR watched what was happening in the House. It was made known Democrats were trying to pass some kind of resolution about gay sex. This is not the most recent disgusting gay sex act at the US Capitol, but a previous gay sex agenda from Democrats in the Austin, Texas Capitol.
We all saw this at the time and were like… “hey, uh, you guys gonna vote on this gay thing or what” And then they did—and it passed unanimously, along with all the other congratulatory resolutions in record vote #45.
The Texas GOP and a full 48 members of the SREC denounced the sickening act. We covered it along with other LGBT insurrection news at the time.
If you notice above, where it says “record vote” highlighted in yellow, just below it says “nonrecord vote recorded in journal.”
What is that, you ask?
They voted against something they voted for.
There is no simple way to explain this—hence this rambling article. Explaining that someone voted against something, while also voting for the same thing, this is a concept that seems to short circuit our brains.
Not only that, they invented this fake vote procedure for the purpose of seeming to oppose things that they did nothing to stop.
But they were caught!
Who does that?
Can you believe they were pretending to oppose something, only to let the thing they oppose slide through unanimously?
Apparently, Patterson and other Republicans figured out the algorithm used in Jones’ rankings and tried to rig it.
While it was fine that Patterson was quick to jump on the issue of gay porn books in local libraries, it’s hardly a problem best addressed by elected members of our state government. As was mentioned, big cities are blue—and they appear to want to normalize unusual and degenerate sexual acts (they call these acts “love”) because (trope warning) that’s who they are according to their values.
But I’ll tell you what, it’s a heck of a lot easier to attack gay porn and local school employees than to address the invasion happening on your watch. What’s worse, people side with the feckless Governor because he has all the campaign cash.
I don’t think it’s cool or funny to be “the most best whatever” legislator in a state with an open border. It’s actually pathetic and shows a lack of priorities. Patterson goes to war with the ISD superintendent while NGO’s facilitate an invasion by the world’s poor into our state?
The federal government is hijacked by criminals who did an anonymous mail-in presidential election, and now are trying to harm us by flooding us with welfare people. They are coordinating an invasion using an app, spreading people all around the country for some unknown purpose.
Everyone knows what the solution is.
Please stop giving us solutions that Democrat politicians laugh at on television.
This is good work. Thanks!
Spot on as always Tommy!