School Choice is another scam on the stupid taxpayers. I mean stupid too. You have only to look at our most recent election to determine that. Or should I say the latest Selection we had purporting to be an 'election'. There are only 2 options to choose from... Stupid Voters or Fraudulent Elections. You are absolutely correct in that the surplus school monies and almost all of our State surplus is going to cover the costs attendant upon the parasite infection/invasion we are under in our State but I don't hold out hope that the voters will figure it out soon enough. Poor Texas.

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If we are handing out money, I’d rather it go to parents in form of ESAs and used to stop the public school monopoly pushing marxism on our kids.

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Except u r choosing one form of marxism for another form of marxism. Some choice.

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Undocumented immigrant children already have right to free education under the 14th amendment of the US Constitution...HB1 will reduce the amount of $$ they get.

In the case Plyler v. Doe, the Supreme Court ruled that if children who are citizens have access to a free, public education, so should undocumented immigrant children. That is because the 14th Amendment says the government cannot “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Is what it is until the Supreme Court ruling gets overturned.

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That is only because the 14th Amendment isn't getting read correctly. It was meant to apply to slaves and their children NOT random anchor babies dropped in the USA for the sole purpose of gaming the system.

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