We reported previously about who is responsible for the spread of monkeypox. We now have photographic proof of Houston area individuals actively spreading it here in our great state.
By their own admissions, this community engages in sex with dozens if not hundreds of sexual partners every year. They seem to have zero self-control. They belly ached for decades about marriage but, now that monogamy could literally save their lives (again), they can’t even hold themselves to it for a few months.
It gets worse, though. At least two kids have monkeypox. The CDC quickly assures readers it was just “household transmission”, but the same article notes, “Nearly all cases -- 99% -- have been reported among individuals who identify as gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men”.
Sure, “household transmission”.
We should keep an eye on them around children.
Speaking of Gay Republican Groups…
Thanks Log Cabin Republicans, very cool! So glad the Anal Sex Patriot (that’s what the movie title references) is here to tell us about low taxes or something.
They also gave Ted Cruz a shout out recently:
As a wise man once said: