House Member Questions Texas Gay&M LGBTQ Professional Services
Count me among the questioning.
The career benefits of the LGBT lifestyle are being fully exploited at Texas A&M, and many people are asking if taxpayers should foot the bill for A&M’s LGBT extracurricular activities.
State Representative Brian Harrison posted a screenshot from The Texas A&M LGBTQ Professional Network’s about page. The page details a number of objectives. The Republican from Waxahachie proceeded to ask one simple question—do taxpayers want to pay for this?
If Texans voted on whether to allow this at public universities, we know what the result would be. It would be a landslide, so there’s really not much to discuss.
Maybe we can vote on infinity genders and random pronouns as well?
If public universities sponsor meetups based on sexual appetites, there is no reason why K-12 shouldn’t offer LGBT beginner’s guides in the libraries. It’s apparently a professional skill with perks, and children have to be prepared. In fact, Texas A&M has been preparing students to be involved in a number of weird things.
Dear former A&M students, if you want your son or daughter to learn more about LGBT events, mentorships (lol), recruitment (double lol), or creating LGBT opportunities for interaction (whoop!) amongst the LGBT Democrat voting bloc, you must quickly send your child to TEXAS A&M.
As usual, we find ourselves squarely in the “questioning” category.
When it comes to spending taxpayer money--look at just what we do in higher education across the board. One added example--PrarieViewA&M hired several tenured professors to teach BLM and how to burn our cities and towns and you get credit towards a diploma all at taxpayer expense. Be fair--A&M system is led by someone appointed by Texas governor abbott so why never any questions to him about how Texas became a green lite for all these ways to spend our tax$$$ that voters have said time after time not here not TEXAS---This state has been "solid red" for decades but has been passing what the democrats want for most if not all that time. Voters keep showing that we are conservative--Faith Family Country--but those creatures we elect continue to support the very things that voters say NO---Question becomes why do we continue to retain these employees that don't follow directions????