Love you guys, and most of the time I agree with you, but not on this one.

We need to take the fight to them. Not trespassing on private property, but definitely at their homes.

Years ago I went to an abortionist’s house to picket him. He had a doorbell on the public sidewalk, so I rang it and let him know I was going to be protesting him. He said he would f_____ blow me away if I came on his property.

I also went to the home of abortion clinic owners and picketed them.

A group of us even went to the home of one of the security guards. His son was a police officer and was all bent out of shape. Too bad. Go visit the chiropractor.

I don’t care whatever mileage they gain from it.

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In my opinion it’s unethical to do this at the subject’s home. Hotez clearly states what Rosen is doing is harassment and not to come back to his home.

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Why is it unethical? If you are on a public sidewalk or street during daylight, you are exercising your first amendment rights.

Just because he says it’s harassment? That means an action is illegal or improper based on the feelings of the recipient. That’s how the left operates, not us.

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Since the good doctor blames his wife for his poor diet choices I will start blaming mine for the same thing.

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People outraged about a home visit? Seriously? How about the IRS agents currently invading people's homes and businesses under false pretenses? Does that outrage these leftist losers?/ I don't believe for a minute the poll showing that loser gaining followers unless they were trolling him. Most polls are fake.

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