A little background...Rama was said to be one of the incarnations of God; Krishna and Jesus were also regarded as incarnations of God. Rama fought against demons in Sri Lanka who had harassed humans in India. Hanuman was the chief of monkeys who were Rama's allies in this fight. Hanuman set fire to the demon's palace. Monkeys and bears helped the humans defeat and destroy the demons. Therefore Hanuman is held in the highest regards in Indian and Hindu society.

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The Swami looks like a crook. Wonder how many tax dollars have gone into his pocket from all the asylum seeking parasites of the Universe.

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Is this a CatManDude?

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Wow, I didn't know Donkey Kong had such a committed fan base.

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For Non Christians, I understand your point of view.

For Christians - this is a NO GO.

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like many other religious groups--India has massive poverty but yet the wealthy are very very wealthy and seem to do little to nothing to ease that life of suffering--since they still practice purchasing people to live in their house and work 24/7 and continue to fund the majestic statutes for their faith-People can pray and be hungry at the same time and know that the caste system is alive and well in both the US and India cultures.

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The Ramayana is an Indian epic at least as old as Homer's Iliad. Ram was an incarnation of God. His wife, Sita was stolen by the Demon King of Lanka. Hanuman was Ram's faithful servant who entered the Demon's palace to find Sita. Hanuman is the embodiment of all that is true and faithful. Having him watch over Texas is a great blessing. Read Ramayana, translation by William Buck.

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... And Texas sure does need a lot of watching having cast aside their traditional watchmen!

Better to have foreign watchmen than mine at all!!

;-) :-)

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...None at all ..

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The precursor to The Planet of The Apes is more like it.

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Bonus Part 4 exclusive for this article and my new bud Tommy Oliver...

Better yet, why don't the Christians revive their full traditional faith from prior to the 20th century and voila problem solved.

I vote for this option, how about you?

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Part 3

Shahid King Bolsen, born white Christian in Utah. After death row in Dubai, Mr King is now a Muslim and has developed a phenomenal ability to pack so much in so few words.

Representative Video Shorts:

1) 50 years from now history will indict the West. Already well underway judging from current Global events.


2) the West is rushing headlong into oblivion


3) elections are a charade, to give the people the illusion of participation


4) Having lost their religious morality, as expected, they are incapable of critical thinking (Part 1 above is the manifestation of lack of inward focus and lashing out blindly in any direction)


5) Islam is better remedy than Communism


Mr Bolsen's utube channel Middle Nation is chock full of such insightful videos.

Mr Bolsen proposes that the Muslim faith is better than Communism for the USA. In that case, Hinduism is also better than Communism. What do you think?


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Spot on.

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Except I would think Islame fits right in with Nazism, and communism. Don't know or care to know more about Hinuduism to comment on whether it is better than communism or not. I just take a close look at the countries practicing it and come up pretty short of perfection as well. So christianity with all its travails is still the best option over all others. Christians just need to learn to fight for their beliefs instead of consistently rolling over.

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For proper journalistic standards, let's lay out the fuller picture.

Part 2

New book by my very good friend just out, "Who lost America? How did the United States go "Communist" and how do we get out of it."

In the christian barren-scape, stepping in is Communism.

Here's the $6.33 kindle version book. $19.99 paperback.


Also, 2 sections of the book were released in advance by the author in self exile in Romania owing to censorship and repeated cancellation in the USA. Author is a Harvard and London School of Economics Graduate.

1) Preface & Introduction: rebrand.ly/WhyHappen

2) Excerpts from Conclusion: rebrand.ly/WayOutRemedy - to abuse and exploit their own women using greed and selfishness, these "Christians" have destroyed the most fundamental building block of any morally righteous society - the family. The ruins of family permeates every aspect of a nation/civilization bringing us to the morphing and collapse of a Christian nation into abject communism.


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You get it, Thanks for sharing.

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Ahoy Tommy Oliver,

So is this a blind lashing out for your own internal issues? Under freedom of free speech and critical dialog let's see if these comments stay up to facilitate serious dialogue. Texas and America are in very serious trouble. Instead of just compliant yes men blindly endorsing thus article, are you capable of serious critical thinking? Come on, for the good of Texas let's imbibe some tough love, eh?

Following is a 3 part series of messages I sent Swami Mukundananda behind the 90' statue that you have written about here.


Namaskar Swami Mukundananda,

Part 1

These "Christians" have morally collapsed as history shows. Human civilizations very predictably lose religious morality and perish, subsumed [1].

So they are desperately seeking to blame anything except look inward.



[1] rebrand.ly/Glubb26

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It's AlLL so ugly, period!

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Maybe this is why we got monkeypox

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Everything comes from somewhere else. This sick government of clowns are killing us at the border.

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So we can go over to their country and erect an 80 foot tall statue of say George Washington? Yeah that's gonna fly. Our politicians are so incredibly stupid.

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No . The lazy ass American people who have complacently gone along all these years because the issues happening all around them hadn't yet encroached on their comfortable lifestyle are the ones who caused this mess and elected the losers who continue to do nothing to represent Americans. They are rolling our the red carpet for all the newbies who will be replacing us gladly and will work for slave wages and be happy.

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Worship of a monkey god? Go figure.

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Whatever marginalizes the God of the Bible. One thing's for sure, God of the Bible never blessed India. Only US democrats do that. And it isn't worth any content.

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The Apostle Thomas brought Christianity to India. Kerala has been a Christian state in India for 2000 years. Before him, Jesus studied Hinduism in south India, and Buddhism in north India. He mastered all their teachings before going to Judea, where the Romans killed him and made it look like the Jews did it. Consider that India is the largest free democracy in the world.

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Yeah a democracy by mob rule and holy cows.

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Why do Indians vote for right wing government in India but a left wing government in America?

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Immigrants vote democratic first ~10-20 years. Then a certain percentage switch to Republican.

That is why the Democrats have open borders and voting for illegal immigrants.

The Republicans should stop being stand offish and highty tightly and instead welcoming like the Democrats. This will likely get them a lot faster and sooner.

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What you just said is the very reason these parasites choose the DemocRAT party first. It is always about what are you gonna give me. Get lost.

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...A good starting point would be respectful of their traditions and beliefs instead of denigrating and bigotry...

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In this country we still have free speech which includes denigrating and bigotry. Why don't you attempt assimilation into the American culture? There's a thought for you.

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