Abraham George keeps calling me and telling me he’s calling from windows and that I have a computer virus.

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I'll Rumsfeld your Alinsky: It's true that you go to war with The Army You Have. I hate that it's so, but it do be like that.

I'd love it if The Best of Us actually prevailed in contests for party or state or country leadership. It's a tragedy that they do not. Too often a person exquisitely qualified for an office is not skilled in the least in the completely separate task of obtaining the job. So the next question has to be, how do we prevail in spite of the leadership we have? We should be talking about that a lot more.

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Great thoughts

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I don't think the Party has a boring problem as much as they haven't got a clue of how to out-Alinsky the Alinskiers. They have been defanged by their false belief in the non existent virtue of 'tolerance' and think that quoting Bible verses will win them the day. What they need to do is channel Jesus when he visited the Temple and got majorly peeved at the Pharisees and used a whip and overturned tables. You get the picture.

When you have DemocRATS like Raskin saying Congress will Stop Trump From Taking Office Even if He’s Chosen by the Voters and Create “Civil War Conditions” and Republicans remain silent, you have to come to the conclusion that we really do have a UniParty and they both operate against the people.

What Raskin said is the classic definition of sedition.

Definition of sedition /sĭ-dĭsh′ən/=noun

Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.

Insurrection; rebellion.

The raising of commotion in a state, not amounting to insurrection; conduct tending to treason, but without an overt act; excitement of discontent against the government, or of resistance to lawful authority.

AND he should be charged under our laws by the Republican cowards in Congress...

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2383

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Greg Abbott: $50M - His fund raising is a scam. I suggest that you research the connections between his endorsements and fund-raising events. We saw this locally during the primary. Right off the bat he endorses a RINO candidate in early fall. Then about 4 months later, in the midst of the hot primary season, which he isn't running in, he holds an Abbott fund-raising event in the endorsement's county. Our State Rep said that this "Pay to Play" Abbott scheme has been repeated for years, even when he isn't running for office. Abbot's "Pay to Play" scheme negatively affects potential support to local candidates and up to the RPT.

Does Abbott NEED to fund-raise constantly because he has delusions of someday running for President? LMAO because Abbott continually often ranks 0% in popularity at CPAC Presidential Polls. Abbott is Grandiose. Texas NEEDS and deserves a new governor. Term limits would help.

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