When suggesting ways to prevent voter fraud (like voter ID laws), most leftists will launch into talking points about how cheating in elections never happens, and what we really need is “increased oversight” to stop “voter suppression.” Ironically, these same people call the 2020 election, when rules and oversight of all kinds were thrown away “the most secure election in history.”
Democrats subscribe to the theory that everyone secretly wants their gay third world communist system, complete with endless child trannies, open borders, baby murder, and White bashing; but despite everyone wanting it, they curiously never have the votes to pass their agenda into law. Therefore, ballot stuffing and importing Third Worlders must be legalized to obtain their desired results. This is a “fortified election” in their vocabulary, and some Democrats refuse to compromise on totally opening the elections to anyone, living or dead!
If Democrats don’t win an election, the popular Neomarxist doctrine will tell you there is a straight White illuminati power suppressing the vote, utilizing their ultimate superpower of racism. This illogical conjecture (along with other Leftist conspiracy theories) falls under the umbrella term “Blue Anon.”
Texas’s voter roll purge, colloquially called the “Kamalacaust” due to Democrat’s courting of non-citizens and cadaver-Americans, enthralled the imaginations of BlueAnon adherents.
In light of this, Dallas Congresswoman Jasmine “Jar Jar” Crocket took to Twitter/X to promote nonsense, sounding ever more lobotomized.
What does protect “access to democracy” even mean? Crockett has a hard time using lucid speech, but “access to democracy” is likely code for legalizing ballot stuffing.
For those wondering, the “John Lewis Voting Rights Act,” named for a proud race Marxist, is a bill aimed at subjugating states that actually want to stop ballot stuffing. Somehow, subordinating certain states to unelected and incompetent bureaucrats, 10th amendment be damned, is what being “elected by the majority” means.
Arguably, those saying this type of stuff already know they can’t win through legitimate means and have to cram ballot boxes, or conjure inefficient new election rules (like “ranked choice voting.”)
Keep in mind, this is the same ignoramus that tried to aid the Trump assassin, and claimed we don’t know the Trump shooter’s motives (never mind the obvious.)
This denial of the empirical is unsurprising, considering she practically tried to get Trump murdered.
While we’re still on the topic of voting, auto-registering people to vote is lunacy. For those unaware, auto-registration means you’re registered to vote automatically once you get your Driver’s License. In a nutshell, the guy who never uses his turn signal and cut you off over four lanes of traffic would be registered to vote under that model.
Maybe more people voting isn’t always a good thing, especially with millions of suspicious records already on the Texas rolls.
Imagine seeing people acting like dogs in public, and then trying to get them to vote because we supposedly need input from dog people on the issues of the day.
All in all, Crockett’s knack for electoral chicanery and Leftist conspiracy theories only serve to highlight her unintelligence. While some praise her antics as “passion,” this doesn't excuse her spouting nonsense; as a wise man once said, “never mistake perspiration for inspiration.”
BTW....do we really know that a purge took place? Can anyone in-the-know tell us they saw it (the purge) take place in real time??? Are we just being bamboozeld, yet again ,by our selected 'representatives'?
Harm and deaths of jail employees and detained under Jasmine Crockett and Clay Jenkins at the Dallas Jail