Texas’s abortion-free status died faster than Trevor Noah’s career. Overall, 2022 was a spectacular year for baby respecters. Roe v. Wade was finally overturned, ending abortion in Texas due to our state’s “trigger laws,” and normal citizens being allowed to enforce them.
Unfortunately, no good deed goes unsubverted. Bexar County Judge Aaron Haas exonerated an infanticide because the plaintiff did not have “standing” due to no direct harm, never mind the dead infant. Apparently, having a magic toy hammer allows you to annul centuries of Texan heritage, tradition, and even reason itself.
Per ABC:
Dr. Alan Braid performed the abortion for a patient in early September 2021, just five days after S.B.8 went into effect, which bans abortion after six weeks' gestation. The patient's pregnancy was further along than six weeks.
However, Bexar County Judge Aaron Haas said he was throwing out the case, dealing a major blow to the Texas law that allows citizens to sue anyone who aids a patient in receiving abortion care, including physicians. Federal courts -- including the U.S. Supreme Court -- had previously declined to block S.B. 8, saying they were powerless to block the law.
Several overlapping Texas laws ban nearly all abortions, including in cases of rape or incest. The only exception is if the mother's life or health is in danger.
S.B.8 allows any private citizen to sue anyone who performs an abortion or assists a pregnant person in obtaining the procedure. The law awards a minimum of $10,000 to any citizen who successfully sues an abortion provider, healthcare worker or anyone who helps someone get access to abortion care.
On Thursday, the court announced it was dismissing the suit and ruled that Gomez does not have the legal right to sue because he was not been directly affected by the abortion care being provided. A written order is expected to come within a week.
The reasoning behind ignoring clearly important cases, whether abortion or election theft, because “muh standing” is beyond retarded, especially when lives are at stake. How bold did was he to defy both the Federal and Texas Supreme Courts, knowing he will receive little public pushback (Is his address known; it might be a great protest spot)?
That said, Haas exposed something everyone already knew: our judicial system is fake. Since at least the 1950s (arguably since 1803), high-ranking Judges became known for making things up, creating precedents that change whimsically. Notable examples include abortion, sodomy, gay marriage, and even illegal aliens in schools (Plyler v. Doe). Anyone literate knows these are not in the Constitution, but just nod along because “we need to respect the process.” Thanks to Rightist weakness, Antinomians and Neomarxists ran wild, hardly losing ground until the last four years.
That said, Abbott should have made SB 8 stronger, and released law enforcement to halt pro-abort actions (even punishing the “mother”). Heck, the Oklahoma abortion law is stricter, even while not going far enough (also reliant on civilian involvement).
While common knowledge “conservatives” are often too cowardly to utilize state power in wrecking their enemies, Leftists do, intimidating their rivals (i.e. J6 political prisoners, and the assault of Mar-A-Lago), filling positions with cutthroat loyalists and winning as a result (how do you think the Deep State was born, and the 2020 and 2022 elections were “fortified?”). Thankfully, today’s rising Rightists are willing acknowledge government power must be used to implement policy, benefit the GOP base, and stomp the Left into irrelevancy.

Why would the present oligarchs take and hold power anyway, considering leadership keeps hiring the same scummy consultants, knowing they will destroy their campaigns? GOP oligarchs should spend less time “counting to potato” and more delivering for their base. If Current Revolt had that consultant money, we would have an office bigger than Fox’s, and finally afford a new coffee machine.
Anyhow, there are definitely ways Texas abortion laws could be improved, the easiest one being empowering municipal, county, and state law enforcement to directly go after perpetrators. Besides, an abortion suspect’s possession of murder tools makes him “armed and dangerous.”

Sadly, the more libertine among us argue “it’s not the government’s job” to protect infant’s lives, homicide laws and Equal Protection be damned. Considering it is obvious a child is getting murdered, there is nothing I can say to you. Pro-abortards are generally mental; case and point this.