Meanwhile back at the ranch, illegals are killing , torturing, raping women in the US. Children are being trafficked daily. He needs to tell them they are harassing him, LOLOLOL. Using up his time addressing their petty little complaints. Maybe nobody ever called them a babe?

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More stupidity from on high. I get called "hon', 'babe' etc from some female friends and don't take it sexually at all. This just sounds like NAG Gang bullcrap or possibly the other judge is a lesbo .

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Ugh. What a nasty creep. A workplace like that is most women's nightmare.

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Let it be known that the causes and effects of open simping have taken a disastrous toll on good government, good business, and the efficient administration of society at all levels. Bros, if you see a simp, tell a simp-- don't be a simp.

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Love your me can write gud statement. LOL

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Aw, hey, thanks. Do feel free to take a spin through my newsletter and see if it's true or not. The thing's on a hiatus right now, making some adjustments after the death of my mother. No worries if you can't though-- newsletters these days are starting to feel like commitments, I get it.

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Is that sexual harassment? He did more than call her babe, he told her he loved her....very strange. Definitely hitting on her. But Im not sure if someone telling me they love me or that Im beautiful is sexual harassment. Now if he bothered her all the time, it would surely be harassment of some type. If I had a nickel for every time I was "sexually harassed" over the last 50 years Id be living in Dubai. It didnt scar me for life or anything lol

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True dat Jamie. People have just gotten so damned touchy about everything it is getting tiresome as hell.

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