Continuing coverage of the return of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, Current Revolt looks at her first interview since starting new pills that Lina describes as 300% more potent than advertised.
You can read part one here:
The most egregious lie of the interview was Lina’s claim that she was “quite certain” that Democrats and Republicans suffer mental health disorders at the same rate. (24 seconds)
Sorry babe, but it ain’t be like that. Leftists report higher rates of mental illness diagnosis’s than do conservatives.
White leftists are over twice as nuts as white right-wingers.
She says they did a “shame class” while she was in treatment. She appears to elaborate but the video cuts out, presumably because it made her look bad. (9 seconds)
She says the drugs she took were more effective than she was led to believe. (19 seconds)
She did what?
Lina reveals what she spent most of her time doing. She says it was “dialectic behavior therapy.” (11 seconds)
Is this professional training on how to be a liar?
Dialectic is the process by which the Marxists have hijacked our language and subsequently the minds of the people.
She also talks several times about how genetics play an important role in a person’s behavior and mental dispositions. This seems to create a contradiction with established Leftist orthodoxy of blank slate theory and claiming that all races of people are the same and disparities are the result of a conspiracy by white people. I don’t know how you reconcile these things. I guess that’s why you need dialectics brainwashing to be a top level Democrat?
Why is she saying these things?
Lina stole her 2022 election bigger than Dallas. She was the benefactor of a very novel strategy called “whoops, no more ballots” in Republican areas.
The Democratic Party is the oldest, most successful political party on Earth. Lina is very well connected at this point, and in my view she is being groomed for DC politics. Therefore anything Lina does is going to be very controlled.
I mean, c’mon folks. She’s saying she looks up to John Fetterman of all people.
Was Lina’s trip a part of some brainwashing program to help her lie at a higher level using rhetorical trickery?
Is the new focus on “mental health” meant to sell more pills pacify the population? She really sells them hard.
Is the long-term plan to cover up excess deaths from the Calamari-19 vaccine, shifting the blame to mental health and blaming it for heart attacks, cancer, etc.?
She low key blames her parents for her depression during the interview, so maybe it’s totally authentic?
Maybe we are the crazy ones for questioning this tan beauty queen from jungles of Columbia.
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is not Marxist. It is a form of talk therapy that was developed to treat people with Cluster B personality disorders (Borderline, Narcissism, Histrionic, Antisocial) and bipolar disorder. According to Google it has also shown success with OCD so I imagine it can be used flexibly. This indicates to me that Ms. Hidalgo may be suffering from a Cluster B disorder especially since the original claim for her seeking medical treatment was "Adderall addiction." Substance abuse is a common pitfall for people who suffer from Cluster B and adjacent disorders like bipolar and OCD. (They try to use substances to self-medicate their problems with sad results.)
I am a white right winger and I am not nuts by any stretch of the imagination.