Lewisville ISD Honcho Attacks Sane Candidates
One of the candidates is the wife of a State Rep.
In the latest fit of petty antics, Lewisville ISD Board President Tracy Scott Miller (girl’s name, but pronouns unknown) whined about the campaign strategies of Right-wing School Board candidates (each running for a different place.) Particularly, Miller threw a estrogenic mini-tantrum over candidates’ supporters exercising their freedom of speech. Considering his past endorsement of a Democrat for State Board of Education, there may be another agenda.
Firstly, Miller launched a frivolous yammering after members of the Ashley Jones campaign DARED to drive through a school parking lot with a sign supporting their candidate. Of course, how dare they reach out to constituents.
While innovative, we hope the sign was properly secured and the driver moved at a reasonable speed. That said, what man-Karens like Miller fail to understand is there’s worse things than driving with a sign on school grounds, like platforming child groomers on the School District website.
Secondly, unconventional campaign strategies aren’t the only thing triggering him; so does fiscal and educational sanity. Miller also chided candidate Mindy Bumgarner for being beloved by charter schools and school choice advocates, appearing to invoke guilt by association because her husband is Rep. Ben Bumgarner (because he didn’t stifle a vote on vouchers.) Though he stepped back slightly, saying he thinks she’ll support more funding, he still complained about supposed abilities “to influence Austin.”
Why a so-called “conservative” would attack the aforementioned folks is a mystery, unless he’s either a Democrat fifth-columnist or butthurt about them not being in his clique.
We live in a time when trust in Texas’s education system is at an all-time low, and diddlers are known to infiltrate schools; innovative methods and the power to persuade Austin are needed currently. During an era when children’s futures are at risk, pettifogging over menial style matters is the last thing one should do. It’s quite disturbing Jones and Bumgarner evidently have more testosterone than Miller.
Clearly, any sane human would pick these folks over Neomarxist mental patients who won’t even participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. I’m pretty sure unconventional and influential people are the variety needed to confront subversives perverting our children. We make no endorsements in this certain election (one seat has a three-way race), but chances are if Left-leaning turncoats like Miller moan about them, they’re good.
Poor guy never had a chance being named “Tracy”
Hi Ronnie.