You thought the phenomenon of Republicans endorsing Democraps was relegated to Tarrant county? Think again. A few days ago, self-identified Republican Lewisville School Board (LISD) President Tracy Scott Miller openly endorsed Democrat State Board of Education (SBOE) nominee Tracy Fisher. His political apostasy was declared via his Facebook page, when he gave a recommendations list.
Disturbingly, other GOP apparatchiks thanked him, instead of condemning him for backing a libtard, including the previously covered Ben “Blimp” Bumgarner. Thankfully, a few local patriots called him out, although Shiller doubled down.
Even award-winning Texas GOP official Jill Glover publicly reprimanded him.
While this action may indicate Brandon-tier dementia (local GOPs seem to have affirmative action policies favoring fatties, geriatrics, and middle-aged women with more antidepressants and boxed wine flowing through them than blood), the fact a so-called Republican would endorse a pro-groomer Democrat is appalling. Miller is clearly more concerned out connections rather than preventing kid-diddling.
We believe he was a closeted traitor the whole time, considering the School District he leads was caught directing children to gay chat rooms. Hopefully, he gets an opponent and sanity is restored.
What emboldens such bureaucratic buggery? For starters, it does not help the Denton GOP Chairman donated to a Democrat, only winning because his opponent got screwed off the ballot, and somehow managed to keep his position. Worse yet, the party’s Outreach Chair Judy Adams got caught registering Frisco voters with Neomarxist activist Ginni Scott.
Let’s see what Mrs. Scott thinks of people against baby murder.
Yep, these are who Denton GOP officialdom associates with. Believe it or not, there is a reason that county is a perennial punching bag for us. Unfortunately, nothing can be done by the State GOP in this matter because their power structure is idiotically decentralized, giving the establishment lemon party free reign. Many kvetch over Denton possibly going blue, but in light of these episodes it already has.
As a result, the establishment in both parties collaborate to ensure actual conservatives cannot save Texas, whilst backing their own party oligarchs (hence the Abbott endorsement). Once again, we have to remind readers to vote in all races, from the schoolhouse, to the State House, to the White House.
Anyway, thanks to our thousands of fans for making this article possible. Your involvement helps bulwark gay third-world Bolshevism from a complete Texas takeover. As we approach November, our exposures of perversions and legerdemain will only intensify, so strap in and strap on!
The Hamburglar Adams is a half-wit that politicians only give time to because she donates. They never ask her to help with anything important because she has the intelligence of a houseplant.