Welcome to “Many People Are Saying,” our once a week paid-subscriber article where we feature rumors we’re hearing, inside gossip in the political world, and projects and pieces we’re working on that we haven’t published yet.
This week:
Plano Library has men in women’s clothes doing storytime for babies and mothers are concerned.
A quick SB4 recap.
A former Republican candidate is shopping their endorsement around to runoff candidates!?
More RPT Chair candidate drama.
Men Dressed as Women Read Books to Plano Moms and Babies
Last session, Texas legislators passed SB12 which attempted to regulate sexually oriented performances in the presence of individuals younger than 18. Specifically targeting the drag queen storytimes and happy hours that were happening around our state. A federal judge later found the bill to be unconstitutional.
Had it passed, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway since the drag queens aren’t even advertising themselves any longer. They’re simply showing up at events to interact with children.
Such is the case at a public library in Plano, where a concerned mom reached out to us. The mother told us she took her baby to “Babes in Arms,” where she said a male library employee with blue hair and women’s clothes led the storytime.
“It was a bit disturbing seeing a grown man dressed as a woman with a toy doll in his lap doing the movements with his hands.” - Plano Mother
When asked how parents reacted to the sudden realization that a man in women’s clothes would be interacting with their babies, she told us that the parents were highly confused and seemed to be in a state of shock while participating in the event. “It felt like people were afraid of saying anything,” she told us.
We reached out to the City of Plano regarding the incident, and they provided us with the following comment:
Frankly, we kind of get the situation the City of Plano is in. Our legislators can’t even pass laws protecting children from being sexualized by men prancing around in women’s lingerie without it being ruled "unconstitutional." How is the city supposed to handle some guy’s decision to put on women’s clothes and read to kids without getting sued?
When we asked the parent what she thinks the city should do about the situation, she told us she just wants to be made aware of the situation and who is leading the storytime so parents can be empowered to decide if they want their babies to be exposed to that sort of thing.
I feel that dragqueen story hour has morphed, at least back then you'd be notified that a dragqueen would be coming in to read to kids and you could choose not to attend, now they're not saying anything and the employees themselves are the drag queens. - Plano Mother
Coming soon to a public library near you.
Courts Unblock And Block SB4 (Again)
On Monday, a stay on the hardcore “round ‘em up and ship ‘em out” border security bill known as SB4 was set to expire. Texas sovereignty was officially back.
It lasted 4 minutes, after which it seemed everything was over.
The timeline is very unserious, as you can see below. Sadly, even the Supreme Court operates like Boeing now.
It was fun to pretend something was going to happen. Hopefully, something happens soon.
Let’s recap this effort to secure the border:
bill passed
nothing happens
Yep, it looks just like every other time.
We saw hollerin’ and hootenanny about SB4, then a series of unexplainable decisions and events, finally ending with everything being the same—only worse!
The entire border security charade fell apart one week after the primary election, and the invasion continues!
Did this trick just get pulled on Texas conservatives?
Mexico responded saying it doesn’t want these crimmigrants back, either.
They’re playing the game too, it would seem.
I think we all really want something to happen.