I pray for President Trump--yes, I call him President Trump bc if it had not been for all the cheating of the Dems, he would be our president. I pray for him every day and for our country, as well, that the people who say they hate him will be pricked in their hearts to be awakened to the truth of the fact that they are following a demonic administration. That is why God spared Trump's life so that he will be voted in as president in November. Wake up, American, and let's help him to "Make American Great Again!"
He's still the man that removed abortion from the party platform.
He's still the man that removed opposition to gay marriage from the party platform.
He's still the man that that watered down the party platform to only oppose the public funding of child genital mutilation and not the mutilation itself.
Dodging a bullet doesn't make enemies of God, righteous. Sorry.
If you would read the Bible, God's Holy Word, you would see that God abhors homosexualism and lesbianism. Read the account of Abraham's nephew Lot in the Book of Genesis and in the New Testament, the book of Romans, Chapter 1. God Himself anointed that marriage should be solely between a man and a woman--and that is before either one makes a change to his/her body to make a change to attempt to become the opposite sex. As far as mutilation of oneself, of course, Trump would be against public funding of child genital mutilation! All children ought to be protected from themselves from mutilating their bodies. As adults, they will do what they want regardless of laws, but children need to be protected from these evils.
As I said, the platform has been strategically worded not to oppose child mutilation but ONLY the public funding of it. The man is pro homosexuality, pro abortion (before 15 weeks or so at least), and has made wicked concessions on transgenderism. I get that times are rotten, but the man leading the party is so far from biblical morality that if Christians feel compelled to rally around the man, it should be hesitantly, at arms length. Dodging a bullet doesn't make a devil a saint, or necessitate that we participate in hero worship or that we take ownership of him in any way.
I was taken aback when Trump said in 2015 that he has never repented because he has never done anything wrong. These other disagreements are manageable IMO but we have no control over Trump’s relationship with God.
Leviticus 18:(21) "You must not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molec... (22) You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination... (27) For the men who were in the land before you committed all these abominations, and the land has become defiled. (28) So if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it spewed out the nations before you."
I disagree. I don't think these issues are manageable. The Bible says the path we are on has historically led to national death. Biblical morality is getting marginalized, by the Republican party. The tent is expanding to the left and the right is getting shoved out; at Donald's request now, though it was happening before he came around. I don't hate the man; it just seems plainly true to me.
Trump may be the last President to win 3 elections.
Give us the Current Revolt upcoming Trump year 1 victory predictions and we'll check notes after the year is over.
I tend to think in terms of decades.
It doesn't sound like you are very optimistic about the next decade.
I pray for President Trump--yes, I call him President Trump bc if it had not been for all the cheating of the Dems, he would be our president. I pray for him every day and for our country, as well, that the people who say they hate him will be pricked in their hearts to be awakened to the truth of the fact that they are following a demonic administration. That is why God spared Trump's life so that he will be voted in as president in November. Wake up, American, and let's help him to "Make American Great Again!"
He's still the man that removed abortion from the party platform.
He's still the man that removed opposition to gay marriage from the party platform.
He's still the man that that watered down the party platform to only oppose the public funding of child genital mutilation and not the mutilation itself.
Dodging a bullet doesn't make enemies of God, righteous. Sorry.
If you would read the Bible, God's Holy Word, you would see that God abhors homosexualism and lesbianism. Read the account of Abraham's nephew Lot in the Book of Genesis and in the New Testament, the book of Romans, Chapter 1. God Himself anointed that marriage should be solely between a man and a woman--and that is before either one makes a change to his/her body to make a change to attempt to become the opposite sex. As far as mutilation of oneself, of course, Trump would be against public funding of child genital mutilation! All children ought to be protected from themselves from mutilating their bodies. As adults, they will do what they want regardless of laws, but children need to be protected from these evils.
As I said, the platform has been strategically worded not to oppose child mutilation but ONLY the public funding of it. The man is pro homosexuality, pro abortion (before 15 weeks or so at least), and has made wicked concessions on transgenderism. I get that times are rotten, but the man leading the party is so far from biblical morality that if Christians feel compelled to rally around the man, it should be hesitantly, at arms length. Dodging a bullet doesn't make a devil a saint, or necessitate that we participate in hero worship or that we take ownership of him in any way.
I was taken aback when Trump said in 2015 that he has never repented because he has never done anything wrong. These other disagreements are manageable IMO but we have no control over Trump’s relationship with God.
Leviticus 18:(21) "You must not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molec... (22) You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination... (27) For the men who were in the land before you committed all these abominations, and the land has become defiled. (28) So if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it spewed out the nations before you."
I disagree. I don't think these issues are manageable. The Bible says the path we are on has historically led to national death. Biblical morality is getting marginalized, by the Republican party. The tent is expanding to the left and the right is getting shoved out; at Donald's request now, though it was happening before he came around. I don't hate the man; it just seems plainly true to me.