
Can we get a “best of” made up up all the GOP Texas legislators and leadership wearing their little masks?

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I never masked up since the first outbreak of this flu and don't plan on it this time either.

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Here is the big elephant in the room.... Covid doesn't exist. It has NEVER been isolated in any lab.

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I would've thought it was too early to see a meaningful uptake of masking requirements. However, 1/3rd of respondents are Yes on the question! Resist, resist, resist. Government schools are indoctrinating children, not teaching them anyway.

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I'm to the point that if they threatened to call CPS to make them do it on the spot. Looking at the profiles of the nurses at that place, nothing about this surprises me at all. I do wish, however, that they would drop any notions of "quiet" and "compassionate" from their bios.

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Is long overdue for CPS officials who show up at a home to be met with extreme prejudice. Been government goons and bullies since before pandemic. Worse since. Facial submission devices. Bioweapon injections. Pretend gender. Climate insanity. Any and all societal assaults on the mind, against reason, against God. Warrant a very prejudicial reply. En Masse If parents wish to retain their God-given rights and children be allowed to live their lives as God intends them to.

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You don't want to know how deviant CPS is in Texas.

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Here's the number Luvs Kids Ped 469813900 Let's go momma Bears Happy Calling

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Do not comply.

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