If you haven’t heard yet, a Christian school in Nashville was shot up by transvestite Aubrey Hale, angry with the school’s support for traditional Christian morality. Apparently, believing “boys are boys, and girls are girls” is enough to warrant murdering children according to this thing’s “logic.” Thankfully, the heroes of Nashville PD arrived and sent the shooter to a very warm place where she belongs (take note Uvalde PD.)
Warning signs were everywhere, and the motives were obviously to target conservative Christians. With the widespread support the shooter’s beliefs get, it’s not isolated to her.
Before crossdresser apologists blabber about this being a “lone wolf attack,” remember lone wolves typically come from packs, this one rabid from years of coddling by subversive institutions. School shooters tend to be mentally ill as it is, and science proves transvestites are populated with such people.
These mental patients regularly threaten violence and terrorist attacks against anyone semi-Right of them, and due to Leftist radicalization, think they can openly demand the slaughter of Christians, and generally anyone that doesn’t want innocents exposed to their issues. They don’t need affirmation; they require straight jackets.
Yes, I know it appears odd we’re commenting on an out-of-state tragedy, but the same craze which drove Hale to murder little children is alive in Texas. Recently, sympathizers stormed the Texas Capitol, and staged a “die in.” I believe this is called insurrection.
The meltdowns didn’t halt there; some they/them named “Loren Perkins” called Christians, and the Legislators representing them “Hitler” for believing the Bible and proposing a ban on crossdressing perverts accessing children. When he/she/it/ went over the allotted time, a State Senate security guard was assaulted while trying to remove the “creature from the rainbow lagoon.”
Unlike the Texas House, our Senate isn’t controlled by an open LGBTQWTFP+ activist, so the assailant may receive consequences for his/her/its actions. Unless the goal was making “Nazis” look likable (their definition is “anyone opposed to putting children with sickos”), we doubt this accomplished anything. The fact libertines are incapable of invoking historical figures other than Hitler or MLK demonstrates their brains are beyond repair (possibly AIDS Dementia).
In light of both past (remember the UNT saga?) and present behavior, it’s obvious transvestite cells praise these antics. Take a look at a Leftist subversive’s media release, claiming the death of a gender bending terrorist is “tragic.” It doesn’t help gaystream news outlets play defense for them.
Yeah, as if getting called biologically correct pronouns makes kid killers deserving of sympathy.
Of course, the usual suspects in media see another chance to bash Christians; when called to the mat, they retreat whining about “racism, homophobia, anti-semitism,” or whatever the day’s buzzword is.
Sorrowfully, this shows the state of American society; we’re a nation that’ll burn entire cities over a dead crackhead, but when little ones and mentors die in agony at the hands of a pervert there’s no action (excluding “muh assault rifuhl-15s need banning” hogwash.)
As illustrated earlier, Texas is vulnerable to having its own Nashville, and steps must be made to prevent it. Rep. Tony Tinderholt’s “Milestone Act,” which would allow victims of child genital mutilation to sue their abusers (if passed) is a major step in the right direction, as are Sen. Bryan Hughes’s SB12 and SB1601 (both crushing drag debauchery). If we want to permanently solve the problem, let’s ensure transvestites can never actualize their blood-lust against normal people, or perversions against children.
Most obviously, Texas already has laws banning the mentally ill from gun ownership; all we have to do is acknowledge gender dysphoria as a mental disorder, and tragedies like Nashville become less likely.
Texas also bans selling guns to those convicted of drug usage, and those on certain medications. With the amount of hormone medications transvestites are on for much of their lives, such substance’s consumption should legally disqualify users from procuring firearms and carry classes.
Before our more Libertarian readers screech about “violating their constipational rights,” transvestism and its aftermath would be unthinkable if not for an extra-lubed slippery slope. The enemy doesn’t care about low taxes or catchphrases about Reagan, they want a public hedonistic lifestyle involving your offspring’s forced participation.
The “Classical Liberals” of today are insane, and a far cry away from their Enlightenment founders. Even John Locke in his Letter Concerning Toleration stated sexual degenerates like those aforementioned have ZERO place in society.
About the LGBTQP insurrectionists storming the Texas Capitol, and their co-conspirators in the Legislature; they should be tried J6-style as associates of terrorism and treated as such. Aiding, abetting, and cheerleading terrorists is unacceptable and must be punished via hard labor.
Studies confirm recidivism rates shrink and real employment chances rise for those doing penal labor, so pro-pervert politicians will surely be more penitent upon release. With the current labor shortage, and an open border, penal labor would be great for fixing our infrastructure, reducing spaces sometimes filled with illegal aliens, and especially building the wall.
In a nutshell, if a dude looks like a lady, or lady looks like a dude, they can’t get a gun to commit terrorism, and won’t have a say in how sane Texans live their lives. Remember, never again means never again!
Everyone I don't like is Hitler