Church Disavows Louder With Crowder CEO Over Crowder's Extramarital Relationships
Church leadership calls Gerald Morgan a "Member In Name Only"

The following is an op-ed via Kenneth Hawkes
CEO Gerald Morgan is viewed as Louder with Crowder’s authority on theological issues because of his time at seminary and past work at churches. In fact, he’s recently been rewarded with his own series titled “Gerald Apologizes Apologetics” where he discusses issues of Christian faith and theology. Gerald's saintly demeanor, however, has become strained in recent months, as he’s called upon to defend Steven Crowder’s increasingly questionable allegations, including berating his pregnant wife, exposing himself at work, sending photos of his genitals to staff, and most recently, admittedly dating other women while married to his wife. In response to more recent allegations, Morgan’s own church denounced him as a “MINO”— member in name only.
After Current Revolt reported on allegations of infidelity leaking on the dark web, Steven Crowder confirmed he dated several women while still legally married to his wife. He explained these "were not one night stands" but "meaningful relationships." He also emphasized these relationships took place after the separation and divorce were underway, which he claimed is “two years depending on how you calculate it.” (Note that it has not yet been two years since Hilary filed for divorce.) In response to those saying one shouldn’t date until actually divorced, Crowder replied, “I understand that some people have that point of view. I do not.”
As the biblical authority in the room, CEO Gerald Morgan defended Steven’s claim that these relationships did not constitute adultery. In support, Morgan related the story of one of his friends who had been going through a divorce for eight years. His reasoning seemed to be that because divorce can take a long time, a Christian may sleep with whomever he wants while still legally married. Morgan and Crowder ended the segment by announcing a “Win a Date with Steven Crowder” contest and asking women to send their resumes to and said that though they should not send "pornography" but that "tasteful erotica" would be acceptable.
As many on Twitter were quick to point out, Crowder’s “denial” of infidelity was, in fact, a confirmation, at least according to Christian standards (both Evangelical Protestant and Catholic) as well as Texas Law, which defines adultery as “voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with one not the spouse.” Brandon Smith, editor at Westminster Magazine, tweeted, “Crowder is now unashamedly sleeping around with ‘God-fearing’ women. But it's okay, it's not adultery because his divorce isn't final and they were ‘meaningful relationships.’ The absolute state of ‘Christian conservatism.’” Crowder’s current position also seems at odds with his past views on the subject. He got his start at Fox writing multiple columns on how men should abstain from fornication and debated the topic with fellow unfunny comedian Amy Schumer.
For comment, I reached out to Stonebriar Community Church, a Texas megachurch founded by Senior Pastor Chuck Swindoll where Gerald Morgan is a member. In response to the question, “What is your stance on the view put forward by Crowder and Gerald Morgan, that sexual relationships are OK while still married to a spouse, as long as the divorce proceedings have begun?” Pastor Roy Williamson responded, “Since you are no doubt familiar with the political acronym RINO, suffice it to say that apart from contributions, Mr. Morgan’s membership relationship with this church qualifies him as a MINO”—apparently an acronym for “member in name only.” In Pastor Williamson’s elusive response, which he asked be published in full, he went on at length but refused to pass judgment on Morgan’s definition of adultery, instead claiming my inquiry was simply a matter of a personal grievance.
Strangely enough, in other emails regarding the church’s stance on extramarital dating, Pastor Williamson was much more between the eyes. In an August 27th email responding to the question, “Is it ok for spouses who are getting a divorce to date other people while they are still legally married?” Williamson wrote, “Any church or group that says that it is OK to date or have intimate relations outside the marriage by still-married spouses is WRONG,” elsewhere resorting to all caps: “Let me see if I can make this clear: IT IS WRONG, UNFAITHFUL, A CLEAR INDICATION THAT THE CHEATING SPOUSE IS NOT OBEDIENT TO JESUS’ INSTRUCTION.” I’ll leave it to the reader to deduce why Williamson’s response was so clear when dealing with those who hypothetically endorse extramarital dating but so slippery when confronted with an actual endorsement by a church member who happens to be a wealthy CEO.
Gerald Morgan’s reputation for piety isn’t just stretched by Steven Crowder, however. Morgan has recently hired new talent accused of sexual misconduct and assault while simultaneously forcing staff to sign NDA contracts with $100,000 penalties. When Bryan Callen joined the new MugClub network on Rumble, Crowder introduced his co-host as someone who had been canceled by the Left, and Callen lamented how in today’s world you’ll “be punished if you stand with traditional beliefs and values.” Of course, Callen wasn’t canceled for espousing traditional values, but rather for accusations of sexual misconduct, including rape. Although Callen denied the more serious accusations, he’s elsewhere admitted he likely exposed himself to women on occasion. As reported by the LA Times, Callen joked about how he’d been sexually harassing comedian Whitney Cummings for years. In response, Cummings recounted how Callen asked for a ride after a comedy show and then pulled out his penis in her car. Callen said he didn’t recall the episode but believed her version of events. He further described Cummings as a good friend who had “ranted ad nauseam about showing her my penis on my podcast, which is no secret to anyone at this point anywhere.”
Gerald Morgan also recently hired Michael Spadone as the head of Louder with Crowder’s new undercover unit. Spadone left Project Veritas after being accused of sexually assaulting a colleague in a since-settled lawsuit. The lawsuit contains the following account:
Spadone’s flirtation became sexual assault on December 17, 2021, at the Project Veritas Christmas Party. At around 10 p.m., Spadone, who appeared to be highly intoxicated and high on marijuana, and who was very sweaty, came from out of nowhere onto the dance floor and forced himself on Plaintiff. He put his hands around her waist, began bear hugging her, kissing her neck, loudly shouted into her ear that she was “so fuckin hot” and worked his way up to her lips, while she resisted. It took two men (Angelo Martinez and Jake Mantel) to pull Spadone off of Plaintiff. Martinez screamed “Yo, get off of her, man!” Journalist Robert Harr (a/k/a “Lithium”), who reports directly to Spadone, came up to Zappier at the holiday party later and said, “I can’t believe Jitsu [Spadone’s undercover name] was all over you!” Plaintiff immediately described the incident to former editor Nick Gioia (he was seated at a table at the party) and told him what had happened. Nick expressed shock and said, “WTF”?
The lawsuit goes on to allege that though the woman in question had recently been promoted, she was promptly fired when she rejected Spadone’s invitation to come to his house for a sexual liaison.
Amid this rising tide of sexual impropriety allegations, Gerald Morgan strives to keep afloat as Louder with Crowder’s resident theologian and saint. The only question is how far he’s willing to go in giving his rubber stamp of Christian, conservative approval to anything Steven Crowder does. Between Callen, who’s known to expose himself to the ladies, Crowder, who allegedly prefers the gentlemen, and Spadone, who’s more into groping, Louder with Crowder employees may face a rough time at this year’s company Christmas party. But don’t worry: they’ve all signed $100,000 penalty NDAs saying they won’t talk, and Gerald Morgan will be there to reassure them that whatever happens, no matter how sexual or vulgar, is biblically appropriate and completely in line with so-called “Christian conservatism.”
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A lot of these folks are just grifters. They might slightly lean right in their personal views, but they are clearly looking to make money not advance any kind of right-wing cause.
Black Rifle Coffee is another “allegedly” conservative company who have denounced many right-wing groups and where one of the leaders, an alleged homosexual, is being sued by a former male employee who claims he was sexually harassed regularly.,emotional%20distress%20and%20lost%20wages.
This guy always struck me as a spineless yes-man who would go along with whatever Crowder says. Don't expect him to stand up for Christian morality any time soon... he gives a lot of hearty approval to crowder's sin--he should read Romans 1! "and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them."