
A lot of these folks are just grifters. They might slightly lean right in their personal views, but they are clearly looking to make money not advance any kind of right-wing cause.

Black Rifle Coffee is another “allegedly” conservative company who have denounced many right-wing groups and where one of the leaders, an alleged homosexual, is being sued by a former male employee who claims he was sexually harassed regularly.


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This guy always struck me as a spineless yes-man who would go along with whatever Crowder says. Don't expect him to stand up for Christian morality any time soon... he gives a lot of hearty approval to crowder's sin--he should read Romans 1! "and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them."

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In a past episode of Louder with Crowder (I'm talking from 2019), Gerald Morgan states that divorced individuals are not to remarry, and Crowder disagrees and says there are two reasons for a marriage's dissolution that someone may remarry (adultery and abandonment). I remember this exchange because of something going on in my life at the time, and Gerald Morgan's comment really stuck with me. Come to find out, Gerald Morgan used to work/attend Watermark Church and the former pastor there (Todd Wagner) held this view as well. I realize this may seem like a trivial thing to think about 5 years later, but good grief it really seems Steven and Gerald can certainly toss their convictions out the window as soon as they are tested.

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I understood you weren't allowed to remarry unless the spouse you divorced died. Any sex outside of marriage is adultery/fornication.

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