Transsexual Psychos Attacking Argyle ISD For Sane Policies
"You take the most flack when you're over the target."
Butt bandits in Argyle? It is more likely than you think. In their quest to shove things down our children’s throats, crossdresser-rights activists are pressuring Argyle ISD leadership to drop policies ensuring kids are not groomed by perverts. Leftists are already gathering an army of the insane to harass the school district into submission.
How informing parents of phases their children go through is a Title IX violation is a mystery. Judging by repeated invocations of “muh LGBTXYZWTF rights,” the real goal is mentally diddling children without parental intervention.
Unlike certain other school districts, Argyle ISD is actually protecting students from aspiring predators like shown above. A desire to pervert youngins is the only plausible explanation for opposing these measures; considering a Texan Judge struck down Brandon’s Title IX decrees, there are no realistic legal concerns. Hopefully, students become emboldened to expose classroom perverts thrusting queerness on them, and even counteract negative influences from tranny classmates (some “parents” will initiate kids gender and name switches.)
Unfortunately, these ramblings are not the only instance of trans fragility. Such penetrations are occurring across Texas, and around America. Frisco and Austin ISDs already have policies favoring weirdos and perverts, even letting men in girls bathrooms. Where these demands are appeased, the results are often disastrous.
Argyle ISD is doing what every school district across Texas should. This school district needs our support and encouragement, and we must demand our local boards implement similar guidelines to help end perversion in our schools. When showing up at meetings, it is important to not just attack superintendents and board members when they support indoctrination, but also commend them when they act correctly.
Buffoons and deviants claim any measure keeping minors from “sexual exploration” goes against “our values” somehow. What exactly are these unquestionable “democratic values” we are supposed to support? While never defined, they can be narrowed down to violent crime, gay porn, child mutilation, white bashing, bisexual orgies, infanticide, public crapping, and censorship of anyone condemning them. If those are “our values” to Hell with them!
Anyway, let me reiterate Argyle ISD is a model school district and deserves nothing but praise. Besides, openly promoting trannyism is cringier than putting up your Christmas lights before Thanksgiving.