Police Say Democrat Activist Lied About Statements in Mass Shooting
He used a tragedy to push a narrative.
State Democrat Executive Committee member, Fredd Steven Spainhouer, allegedly lied to police, media, and citizens regarding his witness statements involving the mass shooting that took place in Allen earlier this month.
The former Army and police officer raced to the scene, called 911 and “started counting the bodies on the ground … one, two, three, five, six, seven bodies.”
Spainhouer said he saw devastation unlike anything he had seen in the Army.
“When I rolled the mother over, he came out,” Spainhouer told KTVT. “He was covered from head to toe, like somebody had poured blood on him.”
He said he performed CPR on three victims, but none of them could be saved.
“It’s unfathomable to see the carnage,” Spainhouer said. “It’s tough when you see a family that’s out shopping, having fun, get wiped off the face of the earth.”
Spainhouer claimed that he not only performed CPR on three victims but that he also interacted with a dead body to uncover a child underneath.
Allen Police released a statement this weekend calling not only Spainhouer’s report inaccurate but also stating that he is not a credible incident witness.
Allen Police say that Spainhouer did not administer CPR or first aid to anyone, and that he did not uncover a live child hidden under their dead mother.
What kind of scumbag lies about this sort of thing?
A Democrat.
“Prayers and condolences won't bring these people back. We need action in the federal and state legislatures for better gun control” – Spainhouer to MSNBC
This top Texas Democrat has a very interesting history.
A Twitter post from May 9th via @cotocrew shows news clippings from 1981 where Spainhouer was indicted for tampering with government records during his work on a political campaign.
It also includes a letter allegedly from Florida State University where Spainhourer was terminated from his job as a Law Enforcement Officer.
In some circles, people call these sorts of things “red flags.” But this sort of history of allegedly lying and election fraud makes him a perfect candidate for leadership within the Texas Democratic Party.
Not only is Steven Spainhouer a Texas State Democrat Executive Committee member, he’s also the Deputy Chair for the Texas Democratic Veterans group.
Before being called out by the Allen Police, Spainhouer of course, went on a full media tour to make sure to take advantage of the tragedy and the narrative he was selling.
Spainhouer used his media tour to push gun control and the restriction of second amendment rights.
Spainhouer told CBS News he stands by his statements, of course, since there are probably no actual repercussions for what he said, why wouldn’t he?
Spainhouer told CBS News Texas over the weekend that he stands by his account of the mass shooting in Allen. He also defended his story in a statement posted to Facebook early on Saturday morning, saying he was "hurt and disappointed" after seeing the Allen Police Department's press release.
We wonder if he was as hurt and disappointed as the victims families knowing someone is using their death to push a narrative.
We reached out to Spainhouer several times over the weekend via text and phone. We received no response.
Surveys consistently show leftists self-report suffering from mental illness at a much higher rate than right wingers. For someone who says they are “far left,” about 40% of them report a mental illness, which is nuts.
While there is a clear distinction between apolitical normie who has been indoctrinated in public schools to hold leftist views, what you find is hardcore leftist activists are actually self-serving psychopaths.
These people, like Steve here, do not sincerely believe that they are "just being a good person," which is how a normie May view the leftist orthodoxy. They only say this to disguise the fact that they are selfish, spiteful, manipulative, sociopathic, narcissistic, mentally ill lunatics. SAD!
I am speechless. What a scumbag. Thank you for this report - MM will surely bury this report.