
Surveys consistently show leftists self-report suffering from mental illness at a much higher rate than right wingers. For someone who says they are “far left,” about 40% of them report a mental illness, which is nuts.

While there is a clear distinction between apolitical normie who has been indoctrinated in public schools to hold leftist views, what you find is hardcore leftist activists are actually self-serving psychopaths.

These people, like Steve here, do not sincerely believe that they are "just being a good person," which is how a normie May view the leftist orthodoxy. They only say this to disguise the fact that they are selfish, spiteful, manipulative, sociopathic, narcissistic, mentally ill lunatics. SAD!

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I am speechless. What a scumbag. Thank you for this report - MM will surely bury this report.

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In the one video that shows the piles of bodies, there is indeed a kid covered in blood to the side away from the bodies (he is slightly visible to the right). Considering that one of the Korean kids survived, it also sounds plausible that indeed the kid seen was the Korean kid and was probably stuck under his mom. So his account matches what one can infer from the video alone.

Something's fishy here.

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Its another mass shooting hoax. They run these active shooter drills and then air them as if they are live.

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If I have said it once, I have said it multiple times that DemocRATS like their candidates with a rap sheet. They appear to always have an affinity with criminals and criminality in general.

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