Days ago, Governor Abbott signaled his support for pardoning Sgt. Daniel Perry after he was wrongly convicted of “murder” by an Austin jury and Soros DA Jose “Murine” Garza for shooting a AK-47-brandishing BLM rioter. Though Abbott still needs to wait for the Parole Board to make a recommendation (don’t you love bureaucracy?), Perry will get pardoned in all likelihood.
Abbott was originally apathetic to Perry, and rendered no aid during the latter’s three years of persecution. Thanks to the efforts of Texan patriots, and pressure from syndicated host Tucker Carlson, Abbott finally listened.
Carlson is a true champion of Rightist, America First causes and should be praised for making Abbott act.
Abbott still has a laundry list of issues to mend, such as securing the border, fixing our election system, and purging Anarcho-Tyrant DAs (like he’s promised for years).
Hopefully, with enough pressure Abbott will fix these issues. That said, let’s take the W’s when we get them.
Cap Merissa Hansen! Abbott is working to protect our border. I guess this little ankle biter hasn’t seen the expenditures. They’re in the millions. Get your facts straight or stick to Harris County.