It makes you wonder about their donors and also how those donors got wealthy in the first place.
It's why the criticism that Democrats love illegals for the votes while Republicans love illegals for the cheap labor rings true.
(I have met some while canvassing this year, they admitted to renting to illegals due to their being reliable payers of cash and if they don't pay on time we report them and deport them - this was horrifying to me as it's literally indentured servitude).
Dude, the Mexicans legally here are the worst abusers as they will camp out space in their houses and charge rent, gas, food so I have NO empathy for that indentured servitude. They weren't brought into our country against their will or across an ocean where they couldn't easily go back. Get a clue and spare your angst for the American taxpayers who foot all their bills.
This is totally OUTRAGEOUS!! What is wrong with these republican Texas legislators? Do they NOT understand ENGLISH?? Every employer/business MUST use e-verify. Every employer/business means EVERY EMPLOYER/BUSINESS MUST USE E-VERIFY!!
And what the heck does “politics” or political subdivisions mean and have to be in there? And why effective September 2025?
Why isn’t the bill short and sweet?
All it needs to state is:
ALL employers and businesses MUST use the e-verify program for all employees. Those currently working and any new hires. If they are not found to be US Citizens, then they are to be fired immediately.
Effective 30 days after passing or January 1, 2025, whichever comes first??
What has been posted byCurrent Revolt shows why you can't trust ANY politician even the ones that grassroots just love Everything they do once elected is all about sound bites to get them re-elected and to make sure their donors stay happy. Go to Austin just once and see----even with an appointed to see YOUR congressman or your senator and see just how short a facetoface really is but the lobbyists have an open door and no time limit when they come how long they stay but the very ones they have been hired with our vote----Always check what "your "guy says...just because you voted for him and truly believe that "he's one of the good guys" always always follow up---we all need to be much better at holding "My Guy" accountable and don't act like we are married for all time and eternity---get a divorce and find someone that knows they can get fired in a heartbeat!!!
How many illegals even apply for a government job in Texas. Not many, I bet.
It makes you wonder about their donors and also how those donors got wealthy in the first place.
It's why the criticism that Democrats love illegals for the votes while Republicans love illegals for the cheap labor rings true.
(I have met some while canvassing this year, they admitted to renting to illegals due to their being reliable payers of cash and if they don't pay on time we report them and deport them - this was horrifying to me as it's literally indentured servitude).
Dude, the Mexicans legally here are the worst abusers as they will camp out space in their houses and charge rent, gas, food so I have NO empathy for that indentured servitude. They weren't brought into our country against their will or across an ocean where they couldn't easily go back. Get a clue and spare your angst for the American taxpayers who foot all their bills.
This is totally OUTRAGEOUS!! What is wrong with these republican Texas legislators? Do they NOT understand ENGLISH?? Every employer/business MUST use e-verify. Every employer/business means EVERY EMPLOYER/BUSINESS MUST USE E-VERIFY!!
And what the heck does “politics” or political subdivisions mean and have to be in there? And why effective September 2025?
Why isn’t the bill short and sweet?
All it needs to state is:
ALL employers and businesses MUST use the e-verify program for all employees. Those currently working and any new hires. If they are not found to be US Citizens, then they are to be fired immediately.
Effective 30 days after passing or January 1, 2025, whichever comes first??
What’s wrong with that statement?? 🤔
In other words .... business as usual while the voters go back to their couches and football.
What has been posted byCurrent Revolt shows why you can't trust ANY politician even the ones that grassroots just love Everything they do once elected is all about sound bites to get them re-elected and to make sure their donors stay happy. Go to Austin just once and see----even with an appointed to see YOUR congressman or your senator and see just how short a facetoface really is but the lobbyists have an open door and no time limit when they come how long they stay but the very ones they have been hired with our vote----Always check what "your "guy says...just because you voted for him and truly believe that "he's one of the good guys" always always follow up---we all need to be much better at holding "My Guy" accountable and don't act like we are married for all time and eternity---get a divorce and find someone that knows they can get fired in a heartbeat!!!
Can we e-Verify Shaheen? Back to Iraq for his fake azz.
I was excited to write a glowing review of the Tepper/Louderback bills until I read the fine print.