The week before Christmas saw Republican State Representative Jeff Leach on the warpath against Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi over the state Party’s lack of support for LGBT extremist Jamee Jolly of Plano in the November election.
Fresh off his roasting Rep. Dustin Burrows, Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi called out another fail: Rep. Jeff Leach (R-Plano). The two got into verbal fisticuffs over the latter’s failure to abide by promises to oppose appointing Democrats to Legislature chairmanships.
If you were unaware of Leach’s existence, it is understandable; his only accomplishments are shilling for Phelan and supporting mask mandates.
The screeching started unprovoked after the infamous Texas Reprobate Initiative (TRI), possibly the rainbow mafia people talk about, whined about randos not getting endless free stuff. Leach proceeded to defame Rinaldi, accusing him of undermining the GOP.

Rinaldi then debunked the claim and rightfully questioned Leach’s lack of support for barring Democrats from important positions. Instead of doing so, or at least owning up to his failures, Leach doubled down (with support from Neomarxists).

Leach continued dodging Rinaldi’s questions and pushing rumors Rinaldi supported Democrats in leadership. Rinaldi again humbly factchecks these spatterings.

Rep. Jared Patterson joined the fray, posting an out-of-context image of Rinaldi backing his constituents. Rinaldi replied with the actual facts.

Throughout Leach’s attempted struggle session, TRI backed him, along with Collin County Democrats. For self-identified “Republicans,” there is definitely no difference between them and the Left.

See a difference?
Nobody does.

However, this situation is whitepilling. Merely a decade ago, the idea a Texas GOP Chairman would hold failed Legislatards accountable was laughable; today, it is not only normal but happening as we type. A tradition started by esteemed ex-Supreme Leader Allen West, Rinaldi preserved it, making sure the fire never dies. We have reached out to West for comment on this matter, and he strongly condemned Leach:
"Unfortunately, weak Republican candidates continue to acquiesce to the whims of the Democrats. In 2020 Republicans rallied to help elect Leach and others across the state of Texas that were being targeted by redistricting and the Democratic Party. Republicans in Leach's district went to work to ensure he won re-election as well as increased the margin of Republican in the state house. Sadly the response by Leach and others was to kowtow to the whims of disgraced Speaker Phelan and other weak wussie Republicans and permit the Progressive Socialist left to control critical committees in a Republican controlled State House. Leach and other lackeys for Phelan continue to ignore the voters and the grassroots, joining the ranks of other traitors thumbing their noses at values conservatives espouse to.”
While we cover this a lot, Texas leadership continues to ignore the people who actually voted for them, and it is refreshing to see folks like Rinaldi hold them accountable. Besides, Republicans coddling crypto-commies has gotten so rampant, it spills into other states.
There are generally things that should never need debating in sane circles; among these is whether Democrats must be stopped from killing conservative legislation. Others include whether babies should be allowed to live, the border should be secured, perverts kept away from children, and whether Die Hard is a Christmas film: the only answer is yes.