The “S” Word
Events of the past week have focused attention on an issue near and dear to the hearts of Americans – a people’s desire to be free and independent.
This rightful urge led to the foundation of the United States of America, a nation which asserts that fulfillment of this urge is the one true hallmark of a just, honorable, and free society.
For over a century the United States has justified global military intervention based on this merit. From World War I to the ongoing actions in Afghanistan, Syria, and much of Africa – the United States maintains that all people should be free to govern themselves, free from tyranny or unwanted, outside influence.
Strangely – some Americans viciously assert that there are some people to which this inalienable human right does not apply to people that are (currently) their fellow Americans.
After roughly forty years – Texan momentum toward independence from the United States has become so ubiquitous that Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West and State Rep. Kyle Biedermann have recently made headlines by supporting what the overwhelming majority of their fellow Texans, regardless of age, gender, religion, or race, have long desired – a peaceful and amicable separation from the United States.
It’s worth noting that the majority of Hispanics in Texas support independence and without question Hispanics will soon be the majority ethnic population in Texas. Some analysts conclude that this fact alone makes Texas independence an inevitability.
Representative Biedermann intends to file a bill that would call for a referendum on secession, mirroring a petition sent to the 2014 Texas GOP Convention by members and supporters of the Texas Nationalist Movement.
Biedermann’s advance rightfully observes that the US federal government is “out of control and does not represent the values of Texans”
012, petitions were filed on behalf of all fifty states on the White House’s “We The People” website calling for secession. In 2017 a Zogby poll showed that the majority of all Americans believe states have a right to secede and continued polling shows no decline in support.
Oregon, Idaho, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas, all the way up to Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and even Quebec – entire geographic belts populated by people that are only separated by arbitrary borders are quietly, yet actively organizing and preparing to redraw borders so that the “…lines on the map mirror the lines in our minds…” by separating from their respective national governments and forming alliances with each other.
It’s important to note that this is not an issue rooted in a Left-Right paradigm. Even the city of Los Angeles has movements looking to split the city in two, and some groups would like to see California divided into up to seven sections. As noted in F.H. Buckley’s Spectator article entitled American Breakup: Secession is Much Closer Than We Think – “The states with the most active secession movements are progressive and want to escape from a federal government they think too conservative.”
Every day, more and more Americans assert the fact that Washington D.C. doesn’t represent them, one would be hard-pressed to find an American that does.
Those in the media that decry these very real initiatives for independence as illegal or treasonous are willful liars because their careers depend on them upholding this fallacy. Likewise, they’ve determined to use the S word [secession] to demean and demonize Americans seeking independence and sovereignty.
Yet recall how their ilk characterized the “Dirty Wars” in South America, the effort to “bring democracy to the Middle East” and Southeast Asia. Or “failed to report” the missiles, RPGs, the M16 and M4 rifles, and the Toyota trucks that ISIS obtained through American contacts in Lybia. The same industry that “failed to report” the Gulf of Tonkin farce or how Lend-Lease ensured the rise of the Soviet Union in the early days of WWII while many of our grandfathers were slaughtered in the Pacific for lack of equipment.
Make no mistake, your own eyes and ears are your best source for what people really think, not the corporate media. You know that you’re not alone, though in order to succeed we must think strategically.
So do as your mother taught you – don’t use the S word – that’s a dirty word. What we’re calling for is independence and only a monster would demonize that.
– James Franklin, guest columnist
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