Every single one of us need to read this article need to understand all the implications that BlackRock holds over this and all nations. The power isn't government--power is money. He who holds the gold rules! It becomes clearer every day that faces that we recognize as evil-BillGates and the rest-are just the public face of evil. Evil is in every nook and corner and is people that we know-call friend. If we don't turn back to our founding fathers and the faith of our families all will be lost?? If you educate yourself and listen for that still small voice of the Spirit and pray for the Lord's direction The Lords' Blessing on decisions--we will have that Light for our path. The Lord expects us to be all we can be and then He steps in and makes up the difference---We must do our part. Pray every day for our Nation-Pray every day for our families--Morning and Night--Maybe PSALM 2 is a good one to start--"David states that when rebel-kings start crap-talking God and attempt to dispense with His decrees""--"Psalms of War"-Doug Giles! WE must become Warriors to save our nation our family-We can't expect others to fight for us if we won't fight for ourselves. God Bless Us All
ET is spot on with this content. With the current Woke Leadership, SWA has compromised the safety of every customer & employee. Of signal concern, SWA Leadership is abundantly aware of their misconduct and dangerous agenda, yet they dig their heels in deeper to conceal the truthfulness of their willful intent to destroy Herb’s Legacy Airline.
SWA employees with decades of loyal service are constantly in fear from woke agendas and employees who admit they support “targeted assassinations” against certain individuals.
If the recent case involving the wrongful termination of an employee doesn’t open your eyes about the current state of affairs at SWA, then nothing ever will.
Is there any substance that the right can provide other than name calling. From the "N word" to "Them, Those People", the libertards, now it's the "woke". When the only two words that describe your narrow view of a company that serves "All of America" not just the ones that worships like you, love like you and look like you... Is racist and bigotry. Wrapped up in a constant whining because your rights of privilege are finally being shared by All Americans. All I see is a company that is doing their very best to keep up with the demand of competition. And a young company that is growing so fast that YES it's changing the look of the culture, meaning becoming more diverse vs being unsafe. It's not your values that are being challenged, it's your privileged, ignorant narcissism.
You are antiwhite. You support the antiwhiteness that is imposed on Southwest (and every publicly-traded corporation) by Larry Fink and his ilk because you are afraid of the powerful. By contrast, at Current Revolt, we expose the powerful—we speak truth to power.
Note: The comment above will be allowed to remain because we believe in affirmative action.
Every single one of us need to read this article need to understand all the implications that BlackRock holds over this and all nations. The power isn't government--power is money. He who holds the gold rules! It becomes clearer every day that faces that we recognize as evil-BillGates and the rest-are just the public face of evil. Evil is in every nook and corner and is people that we know-call friend. If we don't turn back to our founding fathers and the faith of our families all will be lost?? If you educate yourself and listen for that still small voice of the Spirit and pray for the Lord's direction The Lords' Blessing on decisions--we will have that Light for our path. The Lord expects us to be all we can be and then He steps in and makes up the difference---We must do our part. Pray every day for our Nation-Pray every day for our families--Morning and Night--Maybe PSALM 2 is a good one to start--"David states that when rebel-kings start crap-talking God and attempt to dispense with His decrees""--"Psalms of War"-Doug Giles! WE must become Warriors to save our nation our family-We can't expect others to fight for us if we won't fight for ourselves. God Bless Us All
ET is spot on with this content. With the current Woke Leadership, SWA has compromised the safety of every customer & employee. Of signal concern, SWA Leadership is abundantly aware of their misconduct and dangerous agenda, yet they dig their heels in deeper to conceal the truthfulness of their willful intent to destroy Herb’s Legacy Airline.
SWA employees with decades of loyal service are constantly in fear from woke agendas and employees who admit they support “targeted assassinations” against certain individuals.
If the recent case involving the wrongful termination of an employee doesn’t open your eyes about the current state of affairs at SWA, then nothing ever will.
PSA is not related to Southwest Airlines.
Is there any substance that the right can provide other than name calling. From the "N word" to "Them, Those People", the libertards, now it's the "woke". When the only two words that describe your narrow view of a company that serves "All of America" not just the ones that worships like you, love like you and look like you... Is racist and bigotry. Wrapped up in a constant whining because your rights of privilege are finally being shared by All Americans. All I see is a company that is doing their very best to keep up with the demand of competition. And a young company that is growing so fast that YES it's changing the look of the culture, meaning becoming more diverse vs being unsafe. It's not your values that are being challenged, it's your privileged, ignorant narcissism.
You are antiwhite. You support the antiwhiteness that is imposed on Southwest (and every publicly-traded corporation) by Larry Fink and his ilk because you are afraid of the powerful. By contrast, at Current Revolt, we expose the powerful—we speak truth to power.
Note: The comment above will be allowed to remain because we believe in affirmative action.