Welcome to the Sunday Summary.
Catch up on the latest and greatest in Texas politics with our recent top articles. But first your Sunday comic strip from Texas History Movies comics (once featured in the Dallas Morning News) from back in the day.
Have you heard a rumor and want to know if the situation is being monitored? reach out to tips@currentrevolt.com and you might make our new regular post “Monitoring the Situation”.
Now the top stories from Current Revolt:
“Many People Are Saying” is our once a week paid-subscriber article where we feature rumors we’re hearing, inside gossip in the political world, and other interesting things going on in our great state of Texas.
This week we’re talking about:
Lara Logan Falsely Claims Election Issues in Tarrant County!
Gay Judge Blocks Part of Texas Law Protecting Kids from Porn
Former Rep. Advocates for Convicted Murderer