As the year winds down, we wanted to reach out to our incredible community of readers. Here at Current Revolt, we've been on a mission to deliver unfiltered, Right-Wing, bleeding-edge conservative news and opinions throughout the year.
2023 has been a whirlwind of breaking headlines, and through it all, we've strived to provide a reliable source for conservative perspectives.
Some of the stories we’ve brought you have even made national news:
But as you can imagine, we can’t do this without your help.
Your support has been the backbone of our operations. Whether you've been following our stories, engaging with our content, or sharing our articles, you've been a crucial part of our journey.
As we gear up for the year ahead, we're setting our sights on bigger stories, deeper analyses, and more voices in the conservative dialogue. To make this happen, we need your support now more than ever.
Your donation, no matter the size, fuels our efforts in:
Independent Reporting: Bringing you the facts and editorials with a right-leaning opinion.
Promoting Conservative Values: Amplifying voices that stand for principles we believe in.
Expanding Our Reach: Reaching more Texans who seek conservative news, not influenced by special interests or leftist donors.
This isn't just about supporting a media outlet; it's about empowering a movement. Your contribution will directly impact our ability to continue delivering the news you trust and the perspectives you value.
To donate, you can make a one-time donation here. You can also upgrade your subscription to a paid sub ($5.50 a month) here:
Thank you for being an essential part of our journey and for considering supporting our cause. Your donation means the world to us here at Current Revolt and helps keep the conservative truth alive.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a fantastic start to the new year!
Warm regards,
Tony Ortiz
Current Revolt
If you’re tired of all the extremist, far-right news in Texas, subscribe to Current Revolt. The only center-right news source in Texas.