
If only there was some state-specific military force that the Texas Governor could use to repel this invasion.

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The Saul AlinskyJesus rebelled against the Father, instead teaching that undermining the Constitution of the nation the AlinskyJesus dwells in is what's the Patricided and Fatherless, Jesus would do. Of course, this is complete theological heresy. When the citizenry are Bible non-readers, the Culture War can get away with heresy, and make the tax payers pay the cost of penance, like a good Cloward/Piven economist.

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I support Annunciation House. Its mission is humane and the anti-immigrantism we see today and nonsense about an "invasion" is really ugly.

I'm not a Catholic, but Catholic support for this is laudable. Perhaps because Roman Catholicism is not a nationalistic religion but believes all humans are "children of God."

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OK well, how about you go tell voters it’s not an invasion, and I’ll tell them it is an invasion, and we’ll see who wins at the ball box. Isn't that how democracy works? You aren’t anti democracy are you?

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Also, you know these groups get paid for all this right? Like this is their business to complete the smuggling process for the cartel. I mean, yikes. “Laudable” more like LOLable.

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