This needs to end. These teachers are pushing hate while telling students they are anti-haters. Irony at its best.

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People need to do one thing to remedy: homeschool.

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Fire her Libtard ASS. PUT HER ASS IN JAIL.

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These leftist commies won’t stop. Ever. Homeschool, coop, or private church schools (some) are the safer choices for our kids.

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Blaming hate while actually hating... OK, not.

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I urge all parents to take their kids out of public schools. I was a public school teacher for 31 yrs. When I taught most of the teachers were honorable and wanted to teach. Now they are not. Private schools, homeschooling, and charter schools are options. Investigate the charter school you pick as some are guilty of hiring teachers with agendas they force on the kids. Bottom line: more public schools than ever are hiring teachers with their own agendas. who are dishonest , pervs, and the list goes on and on. I would not take chances with my child in a public school classroom now.

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This country continues to show that every failing government programs just need more money to succeed. Lies,Lies,LIES! as we continue to fail. This would stop if there were any real consequences. Even if the teacher has a reprimand-it means nothing. The school district as well as the superintendent and perhaps even the school board should all face $$punishments. The Board hires the superintendent who inturn is responsible for who what where and how the policies and procedures are enforced and teachers who behave in such a way that is contrary to the P&P need to have consequences that mean something/maybe cancelling her contract with something that follows the teacher, so it doesn't become a revolving door of going from ISD to ISD. Government schools yell about homeschooling ruining public education--Fastest growing segment of education is now HomeSchooling. This segment demands that government schools teach to excellence standard not to the lowest expectation of everyone passes--which is currently where our public schools are heading especially with the UN now putting their fingers inside our classrooms. WE Voters parents grandparents even the workface want excellence -BUT the ISD's continue to cry out for more $$ to be sucessful. which hasn't changed one thing for atleast the last 50+years ISD's are failing kids and we should expect/demand better.--How to THINK! Not what to THINK!

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