Demon controlled people descended upon our capitol. I would be curious to see how many of those arrested actually live in Texas or were paid and bussed in like the mad gun grabbing mommies that tried to stop permit-less carry. Did any Current Revolt reporter see if they arrived en masse in busses.

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Ask ourselves WHY there is even a fight over the destruction of a child's body and soul???Parent's rights! Look at the other states that have already passed bills that should have never been necessary??Still no investigation no question of the lobbyist money being paid to those creatures in Austin that we hired with our vote that say they speak for us. Look at who is getting lobbyist money and for how long--this is big business and Texas has at least 3 of them that are known worldwide and the governor has received money from that lobbyist group for many years...I am sure he is not the only one. Texas is no longer a shining light to other states--certainly not an example of Christian-Conservative-Patriot leadership. We are falling further and further behind other states that have already passed the needed restrictions as our morals have continued to dissolve and !now! we are willing to sacrifice the next generation before they are grown. WHERE are parents???have we already lost the last frontier of people who can think for themselves or do we only have "The Collective" left. Has YOUR voice in Austin stood-up for right or just become like most of the Texas Swamp dwellers and go along get along. Will any of us hold them accountable-call them out when they once again come home to report that this is the "most conservative session" we've had in decades? Is this one of the backroom deals that phelan made and the bill is now payable???Just like DC where our "voice" in Austin has tons more money when they get out of there than when they went in---why would you spend the millions to get a job that pays pennies--then fight so hard to keep this "thankless job"---no different in your backyard--creatures that run for office that have more money when they leave than when they went in--but we "know" our county judge our mayor and many claim a "personal" friendship with creatures in Austin--friend that would come in the middle of the night when you are broken down on the side of the road or so sick need to pick up medication??all those kind of friends??why haven't these friends picked-up the phone--must have their private number--and said to the creature, something like--"What in the heck are you doing-vote for morals above all else". Become the LIGHT Texas once was. Perhaps Texas is too much of the whole swamp and we need to leave to once again become all Texas should be--TEXIT sounds better by the minute. I suggest everyone watch All The Queen's Horses--this is how it starts--we all think that these creatures as friends, My suggestion is WE need to select better friends and hold ourselves accountable for our behavior.

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Woah what does SSRI’s have to with this 😂

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