Since our public schools receive federal tax dollars based on the daily attendance of kids in class, Parents should do a mass walkout for a week or more . If parents are serious about taking their schools back, this is likely the only way to get their message across. I don't hold out any hope that parents are willing to go that far to protect their kids tho. Americans seem to have lost their spine over the many years since we formed this country.
Gift them and Jason Vaughn a free all expense paid trip to Syria.
Since our public schools receive federal tax dollars based on the daily attendance of kids in class, Parents should do a mass walkout for a week or more . If parents are serious about taking their schools back, this is likely the only way to get their message across. I don't hold out any hope that parents are willing to go that far to protect their kids tho. Americans seem to have lost their spine over the many years since we formed this country.