Tucker Attacks Greg Abbott for Lying About the Border
“It’s not complicated to repel the person.”
Tucker was knocked off his perch at Fox News—something demanded by the anti-white ADL for years—but he remains defiant and continues to do good work. Recently, Tucker attacked Greg Abbott for letting illegals come into Texas, and asserted that Abbott just doesn’t want to stop them because his donors want infinite illegal aliens.
The fired Fox News host suggested that Mr Abbott could succeed in securing the border “in a week” if he lined up the National Guard along the southern border.
“He refuses to do that. He won’t do it,” Carlson said. “And it’s not like no one suggested it. I’ve suggested to him three times, including in private at a cocktail party in Dallas last year. ‘What are you doing, man? Don’t you have a National Guard? Why don’t you seal the border?’”
Carlson recalled that the Texas governor told him that idea was “complicated.”
“No, it’s not,” Carlson said on Sunday. “If someone’s trying to break into my house, it’s not complicated to repel the person. Do you have a firearm or don’t you? Are you willing to defend your house and your children or aren’t you?”
Carlson argues that Abbott refuses to stop the illegals because his donors don’t want him to. He calls Abbott a liar.
He said, “It’s not more complicated than that. It’s more dishonest than that. You’re lying to me. You don’t want to do it because your donors don’t want you to do it. It’s that simple. Greg Abbott. Liar. Liar. And worse than liar, betrayer of your own people. That’s what that is.”
He said he was “polite at the cocktail party” so he didn’t express those thoughts aloud at the time, but thought them. Carlson continued, “It’s not just frustrating. It’s a betrayal of the core promise of the country, which is the people rule. That’s a criminal act.”
A criminal act? Strong words from Tucker. Is he implying he would support impeaching Abbott? Many people are asking this.
Here’s what you need to understand about Greg Abbott: a tree fell on him in 1984 and he subsequently received one of the largest personal injury awards in Texas history. He then ran for public office as a tort reform champion, ensuring that nobody would ever be able to collect such a lucrative award again.
In 2022, more than 38 years after the accident, Abbott received about a million dollars from his settlement.
In other words, he got his. This is the mindset of how he runs Texas.
Despite everyone knowing the illegals are being let in, given cell phones, and a court date for 2032, Abbott continues to assert that the National Guard is turning back the illegals. Perhaps he felt the sting of Tucker’s criticism?
(Editor’s note: Abbott and the Guard tell people to just cross over the bridges called ‘ports of entry’ also known as ‘ports of invasion’ where they are simply let in.)
Here is the Tucker clip.
I would much rather have Col. Allen West as our Governor!!!
I'm so disappointed in Greg Abbott! Supported him for years! Now he's nothing but a RINO LETTING TEXANS DOWN!