We sat down yesterday ready to write up all the weird and funny things we found in Democrat campaign finance reports, but when we got to Democrat State Rep. Mary Gonzalez (HD75) it was so absurd we figured she needed her very own post.
For those who don’t know, campaign finance reports for the January through June period were posted yesterday, and if you’re bored or curious to see what Texas politicians are spending their money on, you can mosey on over to the Texas Ethics Commission website and go through their financial reports.
Gonzlaez is a Democrat state rep. whose district resides in much of El Paso County. She’s also a Pansexual.
We don’t know what a “pansexual” is, and we’re Christians so we aren’t going to google weird stuff on our computer, but we think it means she has sexual relations with trees or inanimate objects or something.
But nobody cares about any of that. What people do care about is what Gonzalez is spending her hard-earned campaign money on. Let’s just say that Gonzalez knows how to SPEND. So let’s get started.
$2,603.29 In Instacart Charges
You read that right, thousands in Instacart charges in a mere 6-month spending period. We counted 15 separate transactions for Instacart, giving an average charge of $173 per Instacart purchase. Wow.
$33,305.20 in JW Marriott Hotel Charges
11 transactions for the Austin Marriott Downtown. Not a bad choice! The description for these charges reads “Hotel Accommodation for Officeholder.” We wonder if just getting an apartment would be much cheaper than $33k for 6 months of hotel use.
$471.61 in Bank Fees and Charges
We counted a total of 13 transactions related to bank fees from Frost Bank for a total of $471.61. The description doesn’t say if these are related to potential overdraft charges or just account maintenance fees, but either way, they seem excessive.
32 Pages of Lyft Fees
Our intern is on vacation, so we couldn’t be bothered to total up 32 pages of Lyft charges, but they seem like a LOT. The description for the charges just reads “transportation during legislative session.”
Over $6,000 in Fine Dining
Gonzalez is a rep. who knows how to eat. Dropping over $6,000 on fine dining seems pretty small in comparison to the $33,000 Marriott charges. Gonzalez is eating like a queen!
Some of the restaurants include:
Austin Land & Cattle - $3,325.39
Eddie V’s Prime Seafood - $1,699.38
J. Carver’s - $747.03
Cattlemans Steakhouse - $500.24
This is not a comprehensive list, as we started to get quite hungry after reading through all these great restaurants. Rep. Mary Gonzalez is clearly a pansexual with great taste in food.
For that, Gonzalez wins this year’s 2023 GOOD EATS AWARD:
It’s also quite possible that the $3,325 spent at Austin Land & Cattle wasn’t used to purchase steaks but to actually buy a cow:
We are investigating and will report when we have more information.
A more comprehensive breakdown of Democrat rep’s spending, as well as one on the Republicans is coming. If you see anything interesting, feel free to shoot us an email at tips@currentrevolt.com
If you enjoy our reporting, consider a donation!
Did Mary’s pansexual urges kick in when she was visiting the cows? Many people are asking.
You idiots! Everyone knows that pansexual is a sexual attraction to pans. Frying pans, sautée pans and peak prowess when watching Peter Pan. (With or without kids remains unknown).
The picture in this article raises more important health issues however. Does Jason Von have Sleep Apnea? Was this part of the Log Cabin Sleepover Series? We're glad to see the CPAP machine being utilized and hope he/she/shim continues treatment.