Unrecognized Hispanic Heritage and Rediscovery of America
The Hispanics They Don't Want You to Know About
So it’s still Hispanic heritage month, and doubtless you have seen some related events and commemorations. I thought I would take the opportunity to highlight some Hispanics that are often unrecognized by the mainstream media.
Let’s start with Texas. There is a common narrative, particularly outside Texas, that the Texas Revolution was an Anglo revolution and that it took land from Mexico. Yet, this narrative completely neglects the fact that patriotic Texas Hispanics supported the revolution, and that other regions of Mexico also rebelled against the tyrannical Santa Anna. The short-lived Republic of the Rio Grande and Republic of Yucatán also attempted to become independent.
Texas patriot Juan Seguín carried the Alamo’s message that Texans “shall never surrender or retreat” and signed the Texas Declaration of Independence.
José Antonio Navarro helped Stephen Austin bring settlers to Texas, represented Texas in the Mexican federal Congress, and attended Convention for Texas Independence, and signed the Texas Declaration of Independence.
More recently, Texas has been represented by Ted Cruz, who has a mixed record, but is certainly much better than John Cornyn or David Dewhurst. According to Wikipedia, Ted Cruz is the first Hispanic senator to represent Texas in the U.S. Senate.
So the reader may have noticed that the these three men do not get much mention in Hispanic Heritage celebrations. Why is that? Well, that is because they were patriots, and the left-wing media only glorifies left-wingers. At Current Revolt we are not fans of pandering to ethnic minorities, but it is worth pointing out these patriots that go unrecognized in mainstream Hispanic heritage celebrations.
Now let’s have a look at some non-Texans who have gone unrecognized.
Pedro Augusto del Valle was the first Hispanic to reach the rank of lieutenant general. Never heard of him? Hmmm… why would that be? Could it be he was patriotic?
According to Wikipedia, in 1953 he founded the Defenders of the American Constitution along with Colonel John H. Hoffman, Colonel Eugene Cowles Poneroy, Brigadier General Bonner Fellers, and Major General Claire Chennault. Wikipedia further states that:
Del Valle was deeply impressed with Huxley-Blythe's thesis that the CIA was supporting Communist groups instead of anti-Communist groups because the CIA itself was controlled by Communists.
Of course, Wikipedia doesn’t think highly of this, but the reader should ask himself if a U.S. general and four other generals and colonels were entirely off-base about this. Could so many high-ranking military figures be wrong? Given what we now know about the intelligence agencies and the FBI, it’s likely they were on to something.
And this, dear reader, is why you have never heard of Pedro del Valle, despite being the first Hispanic to reach the rank of U.S. lieutenant general.
Let’s scratch deeper. What else could we find?
No doubt you have heard of Cesar Chavez. He does get recognition because he was a union activist.
Yet, the reader may be unaware that Cesar Chavez opposed mass immigration and illegal immigration because the immigrants put downward pressure on wages and served as union-busters. This was back when unions actually represented their members, unlike modern unions.
Chavez increasingly blamed the failure of the UFW strike on illegal immigrants who were brought in as strikebreakers. He made the unsubstantiated claim that the CIA was involved in part of a conspiracy to bring illegal migrants into the country so that they could undermine his union. He launched the "Illegals Campaign" to identify illegal migrants so that they could be deported, appointing Liza Hirsch to oversee the campaign. In Chavez's view, "if we can get the illegals out of California, we will win the strike overnight." This was a reiteration of an early view he expressed concerning the problems the UFW boycott faced in 1972; Chavez believed that illegal labor could undermine any strike undertaken by agricultural workers could be undermined by "wetbacks" and "illegal immigrants". Huerta urged him not to refer to migrants who had come to the U.S. illegally as "illegals" but Chavez refused, stating: "a spade's a spade." Some UFW field offices refused to collaborate with the campaign, and the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) refused to allow its interns to work on it, at which Chavez cut the UFW's links with the NLG.
And here he tells us how he really feels about illegals in his own words:
Now lets go back in history to the beginning of America. Monday October 10th is Columbus Day. The holiday commemorates the Discovery of America, which is actually on Wednesday October 12th, but is observed on Monday. 530 years ago, the brave Christopher Columbus discovered America and changed history.
Columbus was of Italian origin, but Spain was his adopted country, and he discovered America for Spain. He ought to be recognized on Hispanic heritage month. Instead, the illegitimate Biden regime attempts to delegitimize him and erase him from history by attempting to rebrand the holiday as “Indigenous People’s Day.” There is an anti-Christian agenda behind this, which we will get to in a moment.
The final figure we will commemorate is Isabella I of Castile, who sent forth Columbus to America.
Isabella is also known as Isabella the Catholic, because she was a devout Catholic. It is not a coincidence that she sent forth Columbus on his historic mission to bring Christianity, and thus civilization, to America.
We should not forget that many native american tribes had barbaric practices, the most infamous of which were the Aztec human sacrifices.
Science (real science, for once):
The priest quickly sliced into the captive's torso and removed his still-beating heart.
Priests carried the body to another ritual space, where they laid it face-up. Armed with years of practice, detailed anatomical knowledge, and obsidian blades sharper than today's surgical steel, they made an incision in the thin space between two vertebrae in the neck, expertly decapitating the body. Using their sharp blades, the priests deftly cut away the skin and muscles of the face, reducing it to a skull. Then, they carved large holes in both sides of the skull and slipped it onto a thick wooden post that held other skulls prepared in precisely the same way. The skulls were bound for Tenochtitlan's tzompantli, an enormous rack of skulls built in front of the Templo Mayor—a pyramid with two temples on top. One was dedicated to the war god, Huitzilopochtli, and the other to the rain god, Tlaloc.
Cultural Marxist “Historians” and “scholars” delegitimized and besmirched the accounts of the Christian conquistadors, and falsely asserted that the piles of skulls never existed:
Some conquistadors wrote about the tzompantli and its towers, estimating that the rack alone contained 130,000 skulls. But historians and archaeologists knew the conquistadors were prone to exaggerating the horrors of human sacrifice to demonize the Mexica culture. As the centuries passed, scholars began to wonder whether the tzompantli had ever existed.
But science has confirmed that the Christian conquistadors were telling the truth. We should remember this the next time the Left pushes narratives that alter history to portray Europeans or Christians as the bad guys. They have lied to us before:
Archaeologists at the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) here can now say with certainty that it did. Beginning in 2015, they discovered and excavated the remains of the skull rack and one of the towers underneath a colonial period house on the street that runs behind Mexico City's cathedral. (The other tower, they suspect, lies under the cathedral's back courtyard.) The scale of the rack and tower suggests they held thousands of skulls, testimony to an industry of human sacrifice unlike any other in the world.
There is a reason why many Indian tribes, such as the Tlaxcala, allied with Hernán Cortés in Mexico. This is what was going on before Christian Europeans came to America:
So let’s go back to all the attempts to delegitimize Columbus by rebranding Columbus Day as “Indigenous People’s Day.” What the Left is doing here is demoralizing, humiliating us, and besmirching our heroes, to make us doubt ourselves, so that they can implement their neo-communist and child-grooming agenda. Let’s not forget that in reality, Christian Europeans brought civilization to America and put an end to barbarism. If we remember that, the Left we will not be able to demoralize us and manipulate us.
Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto depicts the discovery of America by Christian Europeans in this awesome scene:
In Hispanic Heritage Month, and on the 530th anniversary of the discovery of America, we should remember that it was Hispanic Spain that led the way in Christianizing and civilizing America, and that other European nations followed. We should remember that this was a force for good in the world, and eventually led to the formation of the United States of America and Texas.
I will now leave the reader with a few more pictures to commemorate Hispanic heritage and the discovery of America.

Very good article. Remember too, that Queen Isabella started the Reconquista of Granada taking it back from 800 years of occupation by the Muslims.
Just read about a cave discovery in Belize with 118 skeletons claimed to have been sacrificial ritual killings just as you described but attributed to the other "wonderful" indeginous culture of the Mayans.
BTW most hispanics of Spanish descent are as lilly white as any aglo or European.