What if it Happened in Texas: #BananaGate
Someone has been leaving a single banana at a railroad crossing since 2021.
We’re testing a new series today. Overall, this is some lighthearted news unrelated to the Ken Paxton impeachment, or transvestites taking over Texas.
We’re calling it “What if it happened in Texas?”
The first in the series comes to us from @harmonizedgrace on Twitter/X.’
Since late 2021, a lone Banana has been appearing, almost daily, at a railroad crossing in Elwood, Illinois.
Bananas would even appear in the winter season.
This has continued for two years, and X user “Benjamin” (@RBFBCS) noticed bunches of bananas would appear sometimes.
In August of last year, Benjamin set up a trail camera to catch the banana culprit and caught someone running to plant something on the tracks at 3:49AM.
More recently, a bag was left next to the banana where inside there was a broken egg and nothing else.
The whole thing is weird, and the fact it’s been happening for the last 3 years with no answers in-sight makes us want to send a CR intern up to Illinois to camp out and capture this banana guy.
Suspiciously, the incident is happening very near a US Army Reserve Training Base.
Are people in Illinois just weird?
How would Texans handle this?
We may never have an answer to #bananagate, but we will continue to follow it for updates.
Mission accomplished....Tis a good thing to laugh with reckless abandon
We would definitely shoot it with our AR15's, but not before declaring it immoral and banning it from the RPT