Whites Officially a Minority in Texas
Will they be given minority benefits offered to other groups?
A response from Texas SBA below.
According to recent U.S. Census Data, Hispanics are now the largest demographic group in Texas.
The above graphic are estimates as of July 1, 2022. It’s easy to imagine that the Latino population is even larger now. Especially considering that that our border is wide open to whoever.
In Texas, minorities benefit (over whites) in several factors ranging from government bid opportunities to loans and recognition.
The Texas Comptroller website even offers information on how minority-owned businesses can benefit from special government bid opportunities.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) website also discusses funding options that specificially benefit minorities.
It would be fair to say that Whites, being officially a minority group in Texas now, should benefit from these programs.
A good start would be allowing Whites Minority Owned Business Certification.
Via TexasSBA.org
Texas SBA® enables business owners to give purchasing managers, contractors, lenders, customers, and others business partners evidence their company is owned by one of more minorities1 and is registered with Minority Owned Business Certification. Minority business owners are receiving more opportunities from government and Corporate America; greater visibility in media; and gaining leadership roles throughout society.
We reached out to Texas SBA in Austin to ask if Whites could now apply and be approved for Minority Owned Business Certification. We also asked if Hispanics would be removed.
Their response:
You can be whatever you want to be. It's up to you.
Apply at www.texassba.us
Texas SBA® Business Certification
No. We’re not joking. That’s actually what they sent back to us.
Transracials endorsed by the SBA? Huge if true.
Interestingly, "Hispanics," other than those who are black, are caucasian to begin with so really nothing has changed!
“I see this as an absolute win!”