House Speaker Dade Phelan hinted in February that something big was going to happen this summer with border security. He said it would be unorthodox and cutting edge.
Well, surprise surprise—it turns out he lied and nothing happened. Who could have predicted?
Now, Greg Abbott is taking action on illegal immigration at the border by turning the Rio Grande into a water park with colorful water floaties.
A Texas kayaking company has sued Gov. Greg Abbott (R) over his plan to install floating barriers in the middle of the Rio Grande River that would prevent people from being able to swim across it.
Jessie Fuentes, owner of Epi’s Canoe & Kayak Team, filed a suit in Austin, Texas on Friday to stop the state from placing the buoys which he claimed would prevent him from giving tours on the river and cause his company “imminent and irreparable harm.”
Another controversial Fuentes, I see.
The operation is meant to reduce the flow of undocumented immigrants into Texas, something Abbott has called a “crisis.”
This actually is not true. The purpose of these programs is not to reduce the flow of aliens. Abbott admits this.
Look at Abbott’s quote here closely.
“This strategy will proactively prevent illegal crossings between ports of entry by making it more difficult to cross the Rio Grande and reach the Texas side of the southern border,” Abbott’s office said in a statement last month.
Abbott is buying these luxurious floaties to persuade the illegals to come in through the front door. The “port of entry.”
Abbott and Phelan control most of the Texas government and are telling everyone they want to spend money to streamline the illegal immigration process by making aliens stick to the “ports of entry,” where they are all let in with fake court dates in 10 years.
This situation is never explained. I don’t think the average conservative even understands what is going on. They hear the words “border security,” they see a floatie wall and they think “oh wow they must be really desperate to find a way to sneak in.” NO - THEY JUST COME IN, THEY ARE LET IN. They’re not even checking to see if the kids are related to the adults they are coming with.
Those who are tricked into going on these wilderness hikes are women who will get raped a couple dozen times on the trail.
The truth is that the cartels get paid whether these sneaky sneakers come in via the rape trails, or the ports of entry. They don’t care! The rape trails are not an essential part of their business model.
Are we really supposed to sit here and pretend floaties will do something because a Republican did it?
The suit asks a judge to halt the construction of the buoys in the river.
“The Governor proclaims to support law and order, yet he initiated Operation Lone Star without legal authority and seeks to install buoys to score political points without a legitimate public policy objective,” Fuentes’ attorney, Carlos Flores, said in a press release.
Operation Lone Star has sort of grown on me. I used to think it was 100% a scam and a black hole for state tax money. These days, I think it’s more like 90% a scam. This floatie thing though, I think our readers know when they see floating toys, what is essentially some kind of gladiator games challenge prop, to call that border security is not real.
I am telling you right now – it’s not real.
This is not real, Abbott!
These stupid orange balls will not slow illegal immigration whatsoever, it will only make sure all these illegals are hooked up with Biden’s handouts at the port of entry, then handed over to NGO’s working with the Democratic Party.
If I were a pedophile with a dungeon trying to rape kids who were smuggled from the third world, I would donate to Greg Abbott because there sure is a a lot of smuggling happening right now, more than ever before.
Removing Greg Abbott and Dade Phelan from office is the most important thing in Texas.
Short of divine intervention, Texans are too dumb to remove Greg Abbott. He got 66% of the Republican primary vote, after his covid and immigration leadership. I'd bet many of the people that voted for him would likely agree with much of Current Revolt's writing but Grandma and Grandpa turn out in droves to vote and cannot see past their Fox News garbage.
Dying laughing at the “this is not real” allusion and picture of girl on airplane. So good!
Abbott is misunderstood I think. We don’t really know him. What is his actual personality? How does he speak? Who is he? We are such a big state with everything on the line. Who’s running this show? I’d like to see Phelan test each floating toy btw. One foot down. Each one. Holding his breath the whole time.