Jul 13, 2023Liked by Tommy Oliver

Short of divine intervention, Texans are too dumb to remove Greg Abbott. He got 66% of the Republican primary vote, after his covid and immigration leadership. I'd bet many of the people that voted for him would likely agree with much of Current Revolt's writing but Grandma and Grandpa turn out in droves to vote and cannot see past their Fox News garbage.

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Only if you believe electronic voting is bullet proof and doesn't steal elections. We don't know how many elections have been stolen for decades.

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I voted for Huffines, but the republican party is smart. They have the primary in March and early voting starts in Feb so primary opponents have little time to gain momentum to force a runoff.

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I keep repeating myself like a parrot. E L E C T R O N I C V O T I N G . It is hackable in multiple ways and we now know most of them and yet the people keep saying we will vote them out in the next election using the same cheat system that has been stealing our elections for years.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

I voted Huffines also. I don't think election timing is most of the issue; though maybe it plays a part. The people are often ignorant or immoral. Conservative media and politicians are more interested in making a buck and ego than traditional principles. I wish I believed the issue was primarily some technicality we could quick fix, but I think cultural rot on all fronts is primarily to blame, and maybe unfixable in our lifetime. The closest thing to a quick fix that I've heard suggested is taking the primary vote out of voters hands directly and instead having party representatives select the candidates in some kind of convention.

It's hard to have hope after the state turned us all into medical slaves for years for a disease with a ~0.03% fatality rate and the people said "Thanks, we'll take more of that!" It is almost beyond my understanding.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Tommy Oliver

Dying laughing at the “this is not real” allusion and picture of girl on airplane. So good!

Abbott is misunderstood I think. We don’t really know him. What is his actual personality? How does he speak? Who is he? We are such a big state with everything on the line. Who’s running this show? I’d like to see Phelan test each floating toy btw. One foot down. Each one. Holding his breath the whole time.

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Abbott has been an elected official since 1992. He’s not a real person. He’s a career politician. This is going to be the reality of anyone who has been trying to win elections for over 30 years.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

Greg Abbot is a opportunist careerist with near-zero conservative principles. He's an actor who plays the role of a conservative on TV. He risks nothing, he leads on nothing, he stands for nothing (pun intended). He lies constantly about almost everything and he avoids all questions that can't be pre-screened. The guy is a 100% fraud without a sincere bone in his body and it's worked out pretty well for him so far. I wouldn't be surprised if the wheelchair was fake, at this point.

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The “floating wall” was manufactured by Cochrane USA.

Can’t find a lot on this company. They seem to specialize in border technology.

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Sounds like a shill company.

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To the author: What is the difference between the use of float technology and a border wall? The purpose of a border wall is to prevent people from crossing into the US between ports of entry. Sounds the same to me; are you opposed to that as well?

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Furthermore, you are missing the detail about ports of entry. The floaties and wall are meant to funnel people TO the ports of entry, where they will be let in. They make this distinction clear if you look closely.

They clearly want people coming in, they just want them coming in in the most efficient way possible, presumably so they can get more in, faster.

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You are absolutely correct. Our border agents roll out the red carpet for these 'alleged refugees' every day. They have their new gateway and it is called the Refugee Resettlement Program. Look it up and get a clue.

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023Author

They’ve told us the difference.

“The buoys go down a foot below the water line, so anyone wanting to get past them would have to swim at least that far down,” Texas Department of Public Safety Spokesman Lt. Chris Olivarez told The Post.”

1 foot!


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