Yes! Please do what you can to get that so-called you know what out of there! He is a democrat posing as a Republican! I was not happy to see him in that position in the first place. Let me know how I can help with the process of removing his carcass.

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I mean, he's "California Dade," so who knows what he's on. For those wondering, there's no reports of a "skunk smell."

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Might want to look into whether he is facillitating the child sex trafficking across our border. He may smell more like a coyote than a skunk.

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Dud Felon should be expelled.

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Paxton is the only one demanding what should be demanded by the whole Legislature.

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I totally agree, but Phelan has probably bought half of the legislators with his big donation bribes.

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I was told my Rep Capriglione received around $200,000.00 from Phelan and that Stephanie Klick got $400,000.00

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Is this the end for Phelan or is he more powerful than Paxton?

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It is my hope that Phelan be investigated and removed from his office. He is destructive to all we conservative Republicans have tried to accomplished to "make Texas better!" I hope Lt. Governor Paxton be successful in seeing this through!

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Seems like something got to him but I doubt it was liquor. I’m not even persuaded it was self administered. What is particularly remarkable is his lack of self awareness that allowed him to continue in that state.

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Lack of self awareness is a by product of alcoholism and/or drug use. Just sayin'.

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I think he was drunk, public figures can hide it some of the time, but not all. Hope he resigns, but it cost him a lot of money to by that Speakership.

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Hope he resigns? Everyone needs to be nonstop calling the Governor's office and ur Legislators' and DEMAND HE RESIGN. They are ALL supposed to be working for us. They are ALL so-called 'public servants' of the people.. It is past time they learned that lesson well. If we can boycott woke companies into compliance, we can do the same to the big donors of our bought & paid for elected officials. Let's begin.

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We’ve already been calling and emailing about it. Now they are going after AG Paxton.

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It looks as if anything Phelan wants, he gets just by paying everybody off. Why can't anything be done about this, I wonder?

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