Mexico Trying To Overthrow the Texas Government?
Are these the "Guac Bowl voters" Jeb Bush talked about?
Taco ‘bout subversion. In blatant foreign interference, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) demands Mexicans living in Texas install gay third-world communism by voting Democrat in future elections. If this were Vladimir Putin telling Russians not to vote for certain American candidates, we’d enforce nationwide voter ID and TSA-tier screening at all polling places.
Per Fox News:
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador intensified his anti-Republican election meddling this week, as he again urged Hispanics in America not to vote for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott -- after the Republican governor deployed buoys to prevent people entering the U.S. illegally.
"We don't have to do much, just tell our compatriots not to vote for the governor of Texas or for lawmakers of the Republican Party who support these measures," Lopez Obrador said in a press conference on Monday, according to Reuters.
Abbott had announced the installation of a "marine barrier installation" earlier this month – consisting of orange buoys and is intended to discourage migrants from crossing the Rio Grande.
As we covered previously, Abbott’s magic floaties hardly do anything to halt the “great Southern invasion,” but just funnel invaders to “ports of entry” where they’ll get infinite gibsmedats after parroting the magic word: “asylum.” The border was already a Third-Worlder’s kiddie pool; Abbott just made it more obvious.
However, isn’t it interesting AMLO and Neomarxist subversives are kvetching over the slightest opposition? Now, aspiring squatters have to touch balls before swarming Texas, but otherwise nothing changes; it’s almost like they’re VERY used to getting their way.
Another question arises: why do nearby hostile leaders feel so emboldened to meddle in our elections? Well, Mexico’s honchos have been at this for decades. After the 1986 amnesty, best called “Reagan’s unforgivable sin,” California began flipping blue. In 1994 however, many saw California’s future and started an effort to save it from becoming a third-world beachhead: Proposition 187, which simply said illegal aliens can’t get free healthcare or school access. The measure passed with almost 60% of the vote, and it looked like California was saved.
While based on common sense, Mexican government officials were the first to object. Mexico’s then-President Ernesto Zedillo screeched about it, even demanding the US Federal government intervene to treasonously undo the will of sane California voters.
Zedillo sadly got his wish; after a surplus of tantrums from Leftists, US Judges fabricated law from thin air and struck down Proposition 187. After California elected a Democrat for governor in 1998, there weren’t further appeals or contests toward obvious judicial activism.
Once it was over, open borders subversives bragged about foreign interference. According to California Democrats, Mexican leadership’s influence was vital in creating the pressure needed to ensure California had open borders, and the state was chucked headlong down a blue abyss. It makes sense why Mexico’s elite would cheerlead this; who wouldn’t take advantage of a chance to reconquer former territories?
With similar trends, underminers, and happenings in Texas, are we next? Texas is the only border state that isn’t either blue or purple, which is partially due to demographics; if it weren’t for White Bible-Belt Evangelicals composing a swath of our population, Texas would be where Arizona is presently.
Disturbingly, it must be mentioned that some of Texas’s largest threats also come from DC. As you’ve heard, Biden’s ratlike Attorney General Garland is treasonously suing Texas for doing literally anything to protect itself from invaders, policy-wise or physically (considering physiognomy, we should worry about rat people instead of lizard people).
With foreign and domestic pressure, Abbott and his puppets will probably cave once a judge rules against it. Whether the strongest insistence comes from Mexican revanchists, Dick Weekly “Republicans” wanting cheap labor, or Leftist parasites wanting endless ballot cattle, Abbott will (as usual) surrender to the enemy and just point at Brandon.
In light of past bleatings, the only comprehensible conclusion is that Abbott wants the intruders to arrive faster and more efficiently; even Phelan states border throngs can flood Texas “efficiently” in an old interview. It turns out the Austin bathhouse elite care more about quicker donor class collections and petty pearl-clutching than the people actually voting for them.
Though invasion supporters usually have similar reasoning, those who refuse stopping the invasion have one dominating characteristic: cowardice.
Overall, let’s hope there’s zero capitulation to the three aforementioned interest cliques. If unaccountable judges rule against America’s borders (including FLOATIES of all things) and commit judicial power-grab, let’s hope leadership is willing to ignore them as President Andrew Jackson once did.
Abbott will definitely cave. Too bad we ended up with the weak coward instead of Huffines or West, both of whom had solid plans to stop the invasion. This is a result of lazy, "country club", status quo R voters. SMDH.
Leftists aren’t “pearl clutchers”. In order to clutch pearls, you must actually own and wear pearls. I think perhaps they clutch at their dog collars, pull their “pussy hats” tighter over their blue or pink hair or adjust their balaclava. But no “pearl clutching”. Haha. Oh, and yes, Abbott will cave.