Citizens Win Against Lava Cantina's Drag Queen Event
They updated their age requirements after pressure from the community.
The LGBTQ+ movement continues to focus on indoctrinating/grooming young children with Drag Queen events. These events, where men dress in women’s clothing, wear suggestive outfits, and dance in front of young children are normally limited to the degeneracy of big city liberal life such as Dallas or Austin. Unfortunately, we’ve now seen it move itself to the suburbs.
Lava Cantina, a bar/restaurant in The Colony, Texas, has decided to host a Drag Queen event.
Originally the event said “all ages are welcome” which is interesting considering the ad they posted specifically has a “MATURE CONTENT ADVISORY” in the top left corner, but after heavy pressure from the community and groups like Protect Texas Kids and Culture Warriors of America, Lava Cantina updated the event to 18+.
These types of sexually charged events, targeting children, continue to pop up, and the community continues to fight back. It’s a fight to maintain children’s innocence in a world constantly promoting filth.
The community is winning this battle though, and Lava Cantina being pressured to update it’s event to 18+ is just another win for citizens.
Normal people do not find it defensible to take children to bars to watch half naked women dance. But these Drag Queen events, for some reason, are considered acceptable because it’s men wearing women’s clothing. We don’t get the logic here, but we also aren’t libtards so it’s impossible for us to understand why other than these types of people simply want to groom kids.
Lava Cantina has promised to host weekly Drag Queen events in response to the pressure, which frankly, is fine at this point. Let’s just keep the children out of it, ok?
This says everything about parents and what they are. Forever the "alternate lifestyle' has comprised about .003% of the population. In the last several years that # has jumped to about31%. If the argument is that our acceptance of alternate lifestyles has changed then that would be the evolution for mankind to have changed--all the things that have changed in history---weight/height/hair/body structure. as we have moved from cold climates to hot climates moved from manual labor to brain labor etc---All these changes we see in humans has taken hundreds of years---the changes in mankind can not physically happen in a generation. This is the new Look At Me Look At Me---I suggest that you read about DrJohnMoney--He has been proved to be a liar by the very infants/men that were his experiment---one of them has actually spoken about these awful experiments h=this creature did to these men from their infancy until they committed suicide. This creature is still a big name in the movement today even with this information...Ask yourself what parent would ever do this to their child and then how would they ever be able to say---"""What I did to my child should put me in jail"""DrJohnMoney is just like nazi drmengele and his "medical" experiments IMO
It's interesting that they claim to be totally politically agnostic in response to backlash for this. "We have never and will never take a political position or shun an entire group of people simply because another group disagrees with them." Maybe someday, someone will put their claims of total neutrality to all forms of art and politics to the test.