This says everything about parents and what they are. Forever the "alternate lifestyle' has comprised about .003% of the population. In the last several years that # has jumped to about31%. If the argument is that our acceptance of alternate lifestyles has changed then that would be the evolution for mankind to have changed--all the things that have changed in history---weight/height/hair/body structure. as we have moved from cold climates to hot climates moved from manual labor to brain labor etc---All these changes we see in humans has taken hundreds of years---the changes in mankind can not physically happen in a generation. This is the new Look At Me Look At Me---I suggest that you read about DrJohnMoney--He has been proved to be a liar by the very infants/men that were his experiment---one of them has actually spoken about these awful experiments h=this creature did to these men from their infancy until they committed suicide. This creature is still a big name in the movement today even with this information...Ask yourself what parent would ever do this to their child and then how would they ever be able to say---"""What I did to my child should put me in jail"""DrJohnMoney is just like nazi drmengele and his "medical" experiments IMO

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It's interesting that they claim to be totally politically agnostic in response to backlash for this. "We have never and will never take a political position or shun an entire group of people simply because another group disagrees with them." Maybe someday, someone will put their claims of total neutrality to all forms of art and politics to the test.

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By the same token, those folks who obeject should totally and comletely boycott this dive. When businesses and corporation go woke, they go broke. That is a life lesson the owners of that Cantina dive should learn. Start the lesson Frisco.

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Parents across the nation....man up and follow this guy's lead.

Your children and their future depend on you!


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The events you talk about cater the the type of people mentioned in this fox article.


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Jul 20, 2022
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It is still a victory in the grand battle for our kids and it is happening in many places across the nation.

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