Dade Flexes on Lt. Gov. Patrick "Strongest Border Bill Ever"
Long article about drama that seems fake.
Continuing his streak of winning, Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan [R-21] flexed on Lt. Gov Dan Patrick by boasting about the House’s bad ass border security bill in a statement posted to X, calling the proposed law the “strongest ever.”
Phelan trashed Patrick and the Senate’s version of the Special Session border security plan, calling Patrick’s response a euphemism for a penis that cannot become erect. Phelan further said that while the Senate plan would create gulags where illegal aliens would be permanently prevented from illegally entering the United States ever again, the “carefully crafted” House version would ferry border crossers to a port of entry where they will get a bite to eat, fill out the asylum paperwork, and be let into the US as fast as possible.
After reading that, it was hard to follow why Phelan and the House’s plan was better in the lengthy post. I highlighted the interesting parts because “ain’t nobody got time for that…” and so on and so forth.
"Dan Patrick's baseless critique of House Bill 4 is a transparent attempt to deflect from his chamber's own impotent response to the growing crisis at our border - a crisis demanding decisive action, not the ineffective strategies being peddled by the Senate.
The House bill was carefully designed with the Office of the Governor to effectively repel illegal border crossings and swiftly return migrants to their point of entry, whereas the Senate's pro-illegal immigration bill would house undocumented immigrants for up to 99 years, shouldering Texas taxpayers with the exorbitant costs of their long-term detention, including healthcare, housing, and meals.
The Lt. Governor's statement is a desperate bid to salvage what's left of his credibility on border security this special session after the Senate significantly watered-down House Bill 4, the strongest border legislation that has ever been passed out of the House. Notably, elected officials from both parties in South Texas have shown support for House Bill 4, recognizing its potential to effectively address the unique challenges of our border regions.
The Senate's response to the threat of illegal immigration is to establish a long-term, state-funded hospitality program for illegal immigrants, rather than deploying immediate and effective deterrents. They know their version is not just softer - it's an economically reckless proposal that does nothing but pass the buck to the Biden Administration, whose handling of the migrant crisis has been notoriously horrible.
The House has no interest in backpedaling on its strong stance. We will not be lectured on border security by a Senate that has weakened our bill substantially and wants to further empower the federal government to turn migrants loose. Our message to the Senate is simple:
Reinstate the integrity of House Bill 4, embrace the tough measures we've proposed, and stand with the House in delivering the border security Texans rightfully demand and undeniably deserve.
In light of this, when can the House expect the Senate to take decisive action on House Bill 6, which allocates $1.5 billion for border security and has inexplicably stalled in the Senate for over a week? Texans are watching and waiting for the Senate to match their words with action."
I really think he jumped the shark when he said they’ve been waiting “for over a week” to secure the border.
Looking at what Phelan is claiming, some of which seems to be entirely made up, his passive aggressive statement along with the reference to Abbott can only be described as a flex.
Dan Patrick has been busy during most of the Third Special Session dealing with the fallout from NJFgate. He now spends most of his time talking about Israel and buying exactly $6 million in Israeli bonds. He appeared in a recent video looking vaxed, waxed, and psychologically taxed.
The House version of the bill is very inappropriate. First, it makes enforcing the law on most state government property prohibited, turning stand land into a kind of sanctuary—Do you see where this is going?
As we covered in the HB4 prelude, they said they intended to clarify that the proposed law would not apply to aliens anywhere in the state, but only to those who have crossed illegally within the last 90 seconds or so, seeking to implement language that would require a law enforcement officer to witness a crossing in between a port of entry to make an arrest.
None of that is explicitly found in the bill, but just to make it clear that this was not something that anyone illegally occupying Texas should be afraid of, the House version slipped in a one word change into a much longer amendment.
This took it from this:
To this,
Is this the line of sight restriction they wanted?
It would seem like common sense that you always enter a country “directly” from another country, otherwise, are we talking about time travelers, or people showing up at the border via portals?
No, it seems weird because this is some lawyer trying to screw the entire state with another hoax. This is how they will incorporate the “witness the crossing” aspect into the law.
They also seemed to have roped Nate Schatzline into their scam, as the Freshman Republican was seen touting the other aspects of the aforementioned amendment that added the word “directly.” He added stuff about biometric tracking of these random poor people.
While the biometric stuff of the amendment seemed good, and you can read it here, the most charitable but realistic way this can be viewed is this: Representative Nate Schatzline has quietly slipped biometric data tracking into proposed legislation so that when an illegal aliens kills your family, we will have their fingerprints and can ban them from coming here again (maybe.) TIRED OF WINNING YET????
Everyone Who Reaches The Border is Staying
There are only so many ways to say this— The borders are open. People come and they say “I come from a shithole, and I claim asylum” and then they stay here forever. Under the oppressive and harmful government in Washington DC, if you come from a shit hole, then you get asylum, because that’s “who we are.”
This concept of shit hole asylum is wholly untenable. This has never been a thing anytime in history where people are given all the assistance and legal protection imaginable to be able to work, live and breed, in the United States. All under the guise of “believe all immigrants” who say they are persecuted.
I did a Halloween post where I showed a clip of an asylum lawyer saying he’s never heard of a case of someone seeking asylum being denied because the asylum seeker had no evidence of their claims.
It’s automatic as long as you include a couple key words on your application, and it’s just as silly as you can imagine. Describing “racism” or “sexism” is really all it takes.
I like the idea of illegal aliens being picked up randomly across the state, and driven to the border only to be met with a couple of guys with rifles gesturing them towards Mexico. That is the historical precedent and that is how Texas as a state has handled its internal affairs with border jumpers before we lost our minds in the mid 20th century However, those scenarios seem unlikely with these bills, especially the House bill.
Even though they are both a hoax, the Senate version is a much more chaotic hoax where, as Dade Phelan has noted, things like “lifelong gulags” seem to be with the realm of possibilities. Although it’s very likely under both bills that no one will be deterred or deported, so what are Phelan and Patrick even fighting about?
I just want the border secured and I don’t care if they line the border with Pokémon to do it.
Not sure if Pokémon are allowed to kill people. Hopefully Abbott issues an executive order allowing Pokémon to kill.
Actually, to circle back to the transgenders, Texas could hire that transgender Pokémon that wore blackface to guard the border. Pretty sure he has been canceled and could use a good paying job.