There's a reason many pronounce it "Dallass."
According to a source, Dallas District Attorney John Creuzot has been letting fentanyl dealers off the hook, by invoking minor state statutes instead of levying heavier penalties. The Texas law states:
Manufacture or Delivery of Substance in Penalty Group 1, less than one gram: 180 day to two year prison sentence, fine of as much as $10,000.
This sounds like an okay protocol, until you realize confirmed Soros DAs (like Creuzot) look for any excuse to let criminals run wild. Their goal being Third-World Communism, Neomarxist DAs support dumping criminals on the street as long as they can implement wokeness and assault dissenting journalists: this is called anarcho-tyranny.
The DA’s Office allows fentanyl dealers to continue wrecking communities by citing that Texas DPS’s drug labs only get one pill for sampling to confirm if the accused really sells drugs (Police Departments are charged per extra pill). As a result, dealers are only charged for the one pill, regardless of how many were found, and let loose again.
A powerful component in the opioid crisis (along with untouchable Pharma Execs who called their victims “Pillbillies”), enough of this substance was caught at our border to kill literally every American. For those wondering what these scumbags distribute, this is what fentanyl can do.
Should we be stunned at Creuzot’s seditious behavior? After all, he’s the same subverter releasing 56% of violent criminals onto an unsuspecting public, and also refusing to protect children from genital dismemberment.
As anarcho-tyrants, general Dallas leadership has no qualms legalizing infanticide, or promoting “muh white privilege” conspiracy jargon; in light of Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson getting no re-election opponent, such decay will accelerate. Bashing whites and killing babies takes precedent over making Dallas a habitable location. In Dallas, open air crackdens are ever more commonplace as a result.
This dear reader is what the “bipartisan” push for more local control is about. Leftist officials take advantage of Texas’s ridiculously decentralized government to create permanent beachheads of subterfuge. Establishment lemon partiers crave this, because it allows them to blame-shift (unlike Florida, which purges woke DAs) instead of stepping to the plate and reversing Texas’s ruination. Remember when “Republican” Judges ruled local violators had the right to ballot stuff without accountability?
So, will Dade Phelan, who recently advised illegal aliens come into Texas through points of entry, do something worthwhile and stop this cancer before it metastasizes from blue metroplexes? So far the priorities submitted seem incredibly un-priority-like.
We can’t even squash child abuse during the 88th session; several states like Tennessee passed more Rightist legislation than our “most conservative session ever.”
Even our capitol city, which should be the most secure, is plunged in seemingly boundless crime wave, even full-blown insurrection. Yes, Austin is also ran by a Soros DA.
If Texas wants to preserve itself, state power must be invoked and we need anti-crime legislation making the 1994 US crime bill look effete comparatively. However, since Austin’s magic suits are unreliable, local officials must do what’s necessary to protect their populace and prevent subversion, like Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare is attempting. Willful weakness in the face of disorder isn’t a conservative value.
Ken Paxton could use his rightful jurisdiction back. For a whole century, nobody disputed the Attorney General’s power to prosecute local issues until Democrats started whining. Next time judges aid and abet wrongdoers, we suggest ignoring them. As seventh President Andrew Jackson once said “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”
Fake videos like the one above are part of the reason Americans no longer trust their governments enough to care about stopping the Election Fraud of proprietary voting software.