We need more straight talk like this from our leaders. All we get from the corrupt anti-America Biden Administration is lies and doubletalk. Texas is the reddest state in the union, so leftists want to destroy it. The globalists and their leftist allies are winning on all fronts with election fraud, lawfare and the egregious and treacherous decision to dismantle the borders and willfully invite a migrant invasion that is in fact a declaration of war against every patriotic and law-abiding citizen. With their nefarious allies in the MSM and the total corruption of the “Justice System” they are winning without a shot being fired. As such, only a calamity or violent shock to the system can wake up the sleeping majority to the dangers they are facing. Sadly, by that time it will be too late.

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It was the reddest State and Tarrant County was the Reddest County in the nation until our fellow holier than thou Republicans conspired to hire Mr Smartmatic ( aka Heider Garcia who is now diligently working in Dallas County to keep Dallas blue and putrid) in 2018 after which Trump lost the election in Tarrant County and supposedly turned our county 'purple'. No coincidences folks. The problem is the dumb republican voters keep sending the same perps back to the Swamp in Austin expecting different results. Instead we are well on our way to becoming a blue state shithole like Calimexifornia. because welll.... we will just have to turn out in YUGE numbers to elect good patriots like Trump. They don't make the connection between their convenience of electronic and early voting with stolen elections.

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A trusted friend in Brownsville reports that women he knows increasingly avoid going out alone and/or after dark for, uh, exactly this reason...

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Democrats spew out of their mouths "nobody's above the law!".... Well, unless it's going to roll in their favor then they're totally for breaking laws! See how that works folks?

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Danny P loses credibility when he endorsed an idiot like Brent Hagenbitch for SD30. Any anyone else supporting Brent has a very poor moral compass.

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I have never cared for pinch-nosed Dan Patrick but will see what his actions accomplish. Frankly I just think it's theater for the uninfomed masses. They should be going after the church VOLAGS and NGOs taking tax dollars to bring these invaders into our towns,cities and neighborhoods. How many years are we going on that Republicans have had control in TEXAS and NOTHING had been done to stop the flow of crimmigrant invaders.?? The sad part is that the DemocRATS would be way worse but I am seriously contemplating staying at home and letting God handle things from now on. How do you like them apples?

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