
“School choice” is as exhausting as trannies. I never want to hear about either again.

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Real school choice means you can choose anything and everything, including your gender.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Current Revolt

As a taxpayer and the parent of a FISD student, I was very unhappy to receive that illegal electioneering email from Mike. When are publicly-funded institutions going to be held legally accountable for electioneering activities?

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With Waldrip leading, classes will get smaller because more parents will homeschool.

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1) Schools do benefit from rising property tax values. Tax compression both allows for 2.5% increase in property tax revenue over previous year, and the state pays more of the share of state funding. Other aspects of property tax funding are not impacted by the 2.5% threshold: enrichment funding (M&O) and debt services, so schools benefit 100% from the increase in rising value property values.

2) Inflation does not impact school districts in the same way it does consumers. Most aspects of the CPI basket of goods and services do not impact school districts at all.

3) Student food is covered by Federal funds and student contributions. If they want fancy cupcakes for Comrade Rene's lunch or staff meetings, that comes out of the district budget.

4) Teachers in FISD have received in excess of 4% in compensation over the past 5 years. Retention incentives and CARES incentives have made sure of it. Of course, FISD leadership has seen compensation increases far above these amounts over the past 5 years.

5. It's literally illegal.

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Will this make school districts have to make sacrifices like the rest of us? When our expenses go up, we don't automatically get to ask for more money but sometimes we have to reduce expenses, etc. Netflix too expensive? We drop it. I wonder when the sports and extra curricular stuff will have to be pared back due to shortfalls. As a reminder, HS Football is not cash flow positive and always cost more than it brings in.

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Of course, the elephant in the room for all districts is the administrative bloat that permeates most places.

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Who cares who goes after Patterson? Not sure why you hold up Patterson as some great Rep. Just stop. He’s one of Phelan’s dogs. He had Phelan at his fund raiser. Voted to oust Paxton. “I was the Dems fav to work with!” Is not what we’re looking for. He does one thing and he’s a golden boy to you. He needs to go. Him crowing that he’s the most conservative person ever- doesn’t make it so. And his conservative rating is falling year after year. So - enough.

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