“The border is our number one priority, once we impeach Ken Paxton…”

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The invasion of our country could be stopped if those soldiers would do what soldiers are supposed to do when fighting a war. They should fire on the enemy that is invading the sovereignty of the country they are sworn to protect. The only reason the enemy swarms our border is because they know the soldiers will not fire on them. Warn them first, then, if they continue to attack our country, it is the duty of those soldiers to fire on them! It would only take one incident, in which violent invaders were shot down as they attacked our nation, to spread the word that the United States has had enough!!!

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What sense does it make to place armed soldiers in, essentially, a war zone without allowing them to use those weapons? So, I’ll ask again. How is it legal for States and Cities to defy Federal law by becoming so-called Sanctuaries, but Texas and Florida can’t uphold Federal law by arresting and deporting every single one of these criminals?

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The Feds assert it is their right to replace the population.

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Ray Charles could see that has always been the plan.

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Start shooting them and they'll stop coming.

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Immigration is controlled by the federal government, not the Texas government. Biden is solely responsible for the invasion. Republicans have tried, but Biden keeps handcuffing them. This article beyond ignorant.

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I don’t personally believe in the right to replace doctrine.

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The Texas Republicans incharge of the Texas Govt are glad you think that. It’s drops them from being held responsible for protecting Texas.

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That headset of Giovanni’s looks cute… I wonder if it comes in corndog for others!

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